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New to Malifaux. Outcasts Diary.


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So, I'ev been loitering about in the shadows of Malifaus for a while now. Picked up the first two books and was gifted a Zorida box from a friend which I have run through once.

However, as first and foremost a painter, I wanted to pick up a box that I could really enjoy painting. One of the boxes that really caught me when I was considering Malifaux was the Von Schill box. I picked up a best painted at a recent Warmachine event, and got a £20 voucher to spend.

Lucky for me, the store at the event had some Malifaux stuff. I browsed through, but no mercs... until the guy noted a box that had been put behind some other stuff, that was Von Schill. Score me.

Yesterday was spent cleaning up and building the models, and they saw their first table top adventure last night.

I played my buddy Conrad (we are both part of the Boosted Damage warmachine podcast) and had set up a nice farm yard/village/church table. I figured as I was playing mercs they would have been hired by the town to defend the graveyard from the Ressers that Conrad had brought along.

He had Nico and a totem to match us both at 26 stones.

We both pullled the same mission, capture the four table quarters, (Recon?). His scheme (we decided to play one scheme each as we are really new to the game), was to summon more models than he started with (death after death), mine was to have a model B2B with a building at the end of the game.

The game started well, with my trapper sniping out Mortimer by turn two. Conrad was making my shooting tough with fog though... plus his boost undead and the fog were making those punk zombies hard to deal with.

No worries though I, they are only Zombies right!?

Turn three saw me make an aggressive move with Von Schill. He stormed into a zombie and chopped it down. However, by this point he'd taken a lot of wounds from the self harm ability of the punks. The zombie went down but killed me on the slow to die roll.

Using my slow to die in return I burned a stone and healed a little bit, then used his last point to pulse the corspe away. Then having companioned my librarian I healed the heck out of him, taking him back into the land of the living. (I had been looking at the Librarian before hand and was trying to work out what she added to the gang in its base box form... I now get why healing with a focused cast/flurry is great).

The flamer and trapper were plucking wounds off the remaining punk zombies, and the basic corp were camping on my scenario and holding back to rush any zombies that made it to my lines.

We only played to turn four as it took us ages to figure stuff out early game. By then end we had sped up and were much quicker at flips and activations, but in a four hour game, we only got four turns done :(

So the final turn saw Von Schill gutted by the remaining punk zombie. Who died to the slow to die. My trapper than blitzed in and grabbed the two corpses that were left. Mmm, dinner time.

Conrad had only Nico and the spirit left, and he decided to charge my trapper as the game was pretty much over. Luckily, the Armour, plus the general lack of melee on Nico meant the trapper was fine.

I finished up by using my flamer toast Nico and the spirit, getting a perfectly timed red joker to do a huge amount of damage (loving the armour to ignore the blast on my friendly models).

We called the game. I had destroyed all the zombies and was holding several corspe tokens that the trapper was about to eat. My corpsmen were holding the house for 2VPs , and I had held two of teh table quarters, so that was another 2. So a convincing win.

The main point of the game was to work out the rules and to see what Von Schill was capable of .

I love the hardiness of the gang. That armour is insane. I was berating the librarian till I saw tripple heal in action. The flamer was great. His ability to negative flip low WP models was great. Made a difference in keeping him alive.

Von Schill sadly died, but it was worth it for removing the corspe to prevent the punk zombies from infinite respawning. If I had won the initiative flip that turn I would have kicked the jump packs and flown off to safety but it was a noble sacrfice.

Nico was a good counter to the box. The punk zombies are insane. Rot and paired swords made them hit hard. Nico's ability to make them hit well made it really hard to counter. Add in slow to die and even killing them was a risk. Luckily, the Friecorps armour protected me from most of their strenght.

Fog was a real pain, the gang has a real ranged strength, so winning initiaive flips to get at least on shot in was key. However, brutal on the knives is a great trigger and really helped kwwp them in check.

Using the trapper to snipe out key models, then tidy up all the bodies was great. I think he is the real leader of the gang in my crew at least...

The librarian in the subtle piece in the box and I think she needs some other friends to really shine, but heal is very powerful. More games needed to figure out her role though.

So, game one down. Hopefully going to get some more in very soon. Can't wait to get some paint on these guys and explore the depths of Malifaux some more.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, not posted for a bit. Been running some Warmachine stuff at the club and not had time to pop back through the portal.

However, we are looking at running a short story driven escalation campaign thingie at the club in the not too distant future.

What do people recommend for additions to the core box? I've seen teh Vivtorias listed (along with Rhonin for them). Anything else good? I want a couple of cheapish models to bulk out the force and give me some fun painting projects..

Answers on a postcard please folks.



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Viks & Ronin would be my recommendation, and Taelor is always worth a look.

Although maybe Desperate Mercs are worth a look also, a steal at 2ss and would leave space for a totem, and Killjoy has good potential with Freikorp, he can pop out as a Slow To Die reaction.

Freikorps are good enough at shooting that Gunslinger & Hans aren't really necessary imho.

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