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Kaeris Crews


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Just as a point of order, shouldn't Johan cost 7SS when hired by Kaeris?

Remember; he only gets the price drop when hired into crews with M&SU Members, not Assets. Unless the card has been updated, she's only an Asset, and so unless you take a Union Miner (Both a M&SU Member and a M&SU Asset), he technically shouldn't receive the reduced cost.

Not trying to be overly lawyer-y here, but I think it's a major point, and gives you a reason to hire Union Miners to provide Johan with his buffs as well as reduce his cost slightly.

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Don't have my book in front of me, but IIRC, first thing I thought of with the Union Miner is that they would be good in situations where the opponent has Supply Wagon for a Strategy. They get a boost against damaging terrain, right?

Anyways, for Kaeris lists themselves, I think a basic mix of Gamin, Gunsmiths, and Iggy are going to be pretty common. I would love to work Sue into builds with Kaeris somehow, but just not sure how to do it yet, since it would have to be a situation where one of the other Arcanist Masters is actually leading the crew. Haven't looked at it that closely yet.

I definitely like Iggy though. I don't think you necessarily need any other 'melee interference' type pieces like Joss though. The Gamin will make opponents think twice about getting too close, as would a piece like Iggy. Also, Kaeris and the Gunsmiths have Gunfighter, so they'll do just as well in close as they will at long range.

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i totally forgot about the fire gamins there burning blood,

well, it's on,

kaeris 3cache

gunsmith 6

iggy 7

6 fire gamin 24

gunsmith will be the sniper, mowing down annoying creatures with their :+fate or piercing rounds.

iggy is a very fast objective grabber and can do some serious damage and his "playing with matches" is a bigger version of the "blazing glory" only he needs to cast it.

gamins, obvious, damage, kill, and spread buring counters, objective grabbers and walking bombs.

kaeris only needs 3 cache, she will use accelerant, and sometimes immolate, and she only needs it to ss on a master, or if you really want that :+fate in the damage

and the union miners,, right, supply wagon has a hardness, but the only usefull is the :+fate, you still need a severe to damage it

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Just as a point of order, shouldn't Johan cost 7SS when hired by Kaeris?

Remember; he only gets the price drop when hired into crews with M&SU Members, not Assets. Unless the card has been updated, she's only an Asset, and so unless you take a Union Miner (Both a M&SU Member and a M&SU Asset), he technically shouldn't receive the reduced cost.

Not trying to be overly lawyer-y here, but I think it's a major point, and gives you a reason to hire Union Miners to provide Johan with his buffs as well as reduce his cost slightly.

Joss is also an M&SU Member. He doesn't seem to be getting any love in this thread though, and having both of them in a crew might be redundant, especially since Johan would need to stick close to Joss for best effect.

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Joss is also an M&SU Member. He doesn't seem to be getting any love in this thread though, and having both of them in a crew might be redundant, especially since Johan would need to stick close to Joss for best effect.

because joss is a glasscannon, he's not bad, but i wouldn't field him in a kaeris crew i think.

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I'm surprised at the lack of love for the Soulstone Miner...I know Kaeris wants her soulstones, and the Miner can, at the very least, replace any of the ones that it uses. I think it might do well with her as a missile.

I showed it some love! I think it's really become my go to Arcanist minion period. Even if it has no dirrect synergies with say Marcus or Raspy, it's an incredible powerhouse! You've just got to be very careful with it, when it's caught above ground it's not all that tough especially when you start using Overdrive (I think it was called) to get Melee Master. But for it's SS cost, it's a steal.

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Sorry about that Karn, didn't see your mention of it. Personally, I love the little sucker...aside from Colette (and even then, it's arguable) I can't see any Arcanist Master I wouldn't want to take it with. Going to try to pick up one tonight from the LGS...

About my only complaint about it would be there is just one sculpt ;) I bought 2 of them ( what I generally run with Kaeris) and they look to similiar. So trying to decide how to convert my second one. Oh I think you'll find the model is a bit surprising, that center section is Resin.

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I Love the Kaeris model, so damn whether it's a good idea or not - I'm buying the box, using the Gamin with my Sonnia crew, and adding Kaeris and the Female GS to my Showgirls.

She's a woman wearing a set of wings...sod whether the interactions are there...it's theatrical and will look AWESOME.

Currently thinking:






2 Doves

alternatively, take Sue - who has synergy with Kaeris and better damage than the Gunsmith in a similar role - in exchange for the GS and a dove.

Having reread the models last night I'm liking the idea of dropping a dove in the middle of a bunch of enemies and then having Kaeris Overheat it. Have Colette sat at the back as a dove and soulstone factory, Cassandra does her thing, use the performer as Coleltte's excape route (because frankly I've not managed to get Performers to do anything else useful.)

Edited by fishtank
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I'm actually planning on using her in my ramos crew with a bit of Johnny Cash thrown in.



Arachnid Swarm

3x Steampunk Arachnids

Johnny Cash(Erm, I mean Sue)

This way I have anough ways to dish out burning tokens, enough models to stay on par with activations, decent amount of ranged damage and all of the nifty bells and whistles that ramos has :)

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I'm actually planning on using her in my ramos crew with a bit of Johnny Cash thrown in.



Arachnid Swarm

3x Steampunk Arachnids

Johnny Cash(Erm, I mean Sue)

This way I have anough ways to dish out burning tokens, enough models to stay on par with activations, decent amount of ranged damage and all of the nifty bells and whistles that ramos has :)

No totems?

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