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Best Buy & Bash Box?

bob sprocket

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Personally I think Seamus is your best bet. Rotten Belles tend to be one of the Resser models almost every master wants one or two of in their forces, and even though Kirai often doesn't take them even with her I've slipped a Belle into my list. Seamus can be played straight forward, but he has a good deal of synergy with his boxed crew. As the Resser master who summons the least, and has a very restricted summoning list as well, you won't need a great deal of other purchases to have a solid Seamus list to play with.

Kirai I think is our most competitive master, but you need a good deal of other purchases, at the very minimum, two extra clamshells of Seishin to even get her to work.

McMorning is a very solid Melee master, but his box is very subpar. Most McMorning lists again will require you to buy extra clamshells of Canine Remains and a zombie Chihuahua, and perhaps even an additional Flesh construct. Add this to the fact that you will rarely use the two nurses that come with your box.

Nicodem is slow, and although I do like him as a master, again in order to use him effectively you are going to need a good deal of other purchases to even get him to play right, including multiple clamshells of Mindless Zombies, and a good selection of undead to take advantage of any flexibility Nicodem's summoning might give to you.

From a purely starting out argument, to get into the game with the most all over useful boxed set, and the ability to get playing effectively with minimum outlay in ressers,... Seamus is the way to go.

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Ack! Got ninja's by Fetid Strumpet!!!

Not super clear as to exactly what your first statement meant but i'm assuming you mean you've chosen Resurrectionists...

From what I gather with Ressurectionists, Seamus is a great out of the box crew to play with without needing a whole bunch of extra stuff. Moreover, you can use belles usefully with McMourning and Nicodem (as said above, you'll need extra purchases to really make their crews shine tho'...). Kirai really wants to use spirits for the synergy, so again, extra purchases...

Now if you're looking for a faction where you'll get lots of use and crossover with different models, Guild and Neverborn seem to have the most utility within the factions...!

Just my 2 kanucks...

Edited by Seventeen
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with what you get in the Dead Justice set Seamus adds to it best, the only thing I doubt you will use is the Guild Autopsy. Crooked Man can be used to lay traps for you belles to lure the enemy onto. Punk Zombie can be kept back to act as a counter charge or in combination with a Belle, the Belle dragging models onto it's blades. I've yet to try the Drowned, but the rest of the set of hanged and Jack work well with him so I can only assume the Drowned will. And well a Dead Doxy is designed with him in mind as it can be summoned by him.

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