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hello, 40k player here.

remilia scarle

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Another 40k gamer here, but Malifaux is also great fun and a wonderful game to play when you get sick of all those Ultra Smurfs running about ;)

Neverborn are a good choice with a lot of varied options depending on which master you take. I hope you have fun with us, and the game :)

Oh, and here's a pack of virtual cookies to feed your teddies with if you get any. teddies love cookies :)

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  • 1 month later...
After playing 40k since the day RT came out in 1987 I doubt I'll ever quit the game now! lol.

I've played 40k for 11 years, I've collected most of the armies, and I pretty much dropped 40k entirely. I put all my stuff at my friend's house, after a 6 month long dry spell of never getting any 40k games. Literally, the next day I went to the store after doing that, suddenly I get people asking me, 4 weeks running now, to play a game of 40k.

I greatly enjoy Malifaux more than 40k, the fans are generally nicer, less psychotic, cleaner, and older (psychologically speaking anyway).

There are also a lot more ways to play it, straight out of the book (the downloadable one anyway) there is no less than 91 mission combinations, and that's not even touching the 3 different table set ups (putting it at 273) or the possible random events (which puts the number at being ridiculous), meaning you will pretty much never play the exact same combination twice, possibly in your life time.

Whereas in 40k, you only have 9 possible mission combinations in the main book, expanding to 30 possible missions with the battle missions book.

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Let's not forget the missions in IA, Cities of Death, Planet Strike, IA Apocalypse, WD, the GW site and so on. Plenty of missions if people look for them which takes the total into 3 figures. Sadly 90% of those in Battle Missions are awful though :(

As for the gamers, apart from 2 kids that attend the Monday night club I attend, the youngest members are in their mid 20s and act like it, lol. They're pretty well balanced and have good hygiene (then again, 2 are chefs).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been playing 40k for about 16 years, warmahordes for two, fantasy, ancients, gw specialist games, ccgs, etc and have a great time doing so. Met some great people and made life long friends through it, and had fun doing so.

3 months of activly playing malifaux (not getting huge play time but still...) and being interested in it for quite a bit longer. I can honestly say malifaux has been more enjoyable then alot of other systems I have experienced and has been a great game to pick up.

Bayou and neverborn for the win!

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