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Religion and you (not a flame thread)


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Lately I've been experiencing thoughts. Weird and unusual musings that I can't quite place. I've always had a "there is no proof of God, therefore there is no God" belief system.

Lately, I'm finding there is something missing in my life. It might be a physical thing, it might be an emotional thing, or it might be something else. What if organized religion (be it Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, or any number of others) are right? What if there is some supreme being(s)? What if [insert religion] is right? Have I screwed myself by refusing to accept those beliefs?

There are many people for whom faith, trust in the unknown, religion, whatever you want to call it guides their life. I've always though it was just a crutch, a way to rationalize the irrational. But what if I am the one who is wrong?

For those who believe in something, anything, why do you believe in it? Is it because that is how you were raised, or because deep down inside you feel it is the right thing? Is it social pressure from your family, friends, and peers? Is it just the way it is?

I'm not looking to start a fight. I'm not looking to say one thing is wrong. I want to know why you feel it is right. I'm at a point in my life where something isn't right. I don't know if it is my beliefs (or lack there of) or if it is something else. I'm looking for the answer to a question that may be unanswerable.

I feel that I am at the end of the rope, grasping at the few frayed threads that remain. Looking for an answer, any answer that may help me climb back up the rope and find who I should be, who I really am.

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May I ask if you're willing to listen to a few things? I'd love to be able to have this kind of a discussion, it's just easier sometimes if there's a common point to start from.

Edit: And, since I'm more awake after work than I expected, I suppose I'll give it a go explaining where I come from. At least part of it. I'll try to get to a point of 'Why God makes sense' rather than a 'Why I'm a Christian.' For me, the existence of God makes sense of...well, really, everything. I love how Ravi Zacharius put it one time, talking about the idea of the meaning of life. When we're young, we are enchanted by the world around us, it just feels us with a sense of wonder. As we reach our teenage years, the subject of truth becomes vital. Even those who insist that there is no such thing as truth have found the one that they believe in. In middle age, we begin the search for love, and in our older years we look for a sense of security. In God, I have found an endless source of Wonder (not meaning to sound too much like a romantic), the very source and essence of Truth, the author of Love, and the source of Security.

Edited by edonil
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