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Dumb Luck's Somer Diary

Dumb Luck

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Over the next two months, I have dedicated myself to a mountain of a task. The UK GT is a little over two months away and it happens to be faction based. Wanting to widen my options within the Outcast faction but naturally wanting to stay green, I feel like I should give Somer a spin in a league I'm running.

I have experimented with him briefly and have a rough feel for how he plays, but I am nowhere near as confiedent with him as I am Ophelia. This is mainly because of his less straight forward playing style (amongst other things) in comparison to the Henchman. What I have enjoyed with him so far is the challenge of something different and pulling funky stunts off.

So this will function as a record of my exploits as I become either the King of the Bayou or a broken mess from missing a larger control hand. It's like Rathnard's Marcus diary, the difference being he had a good idea of what he was doing.

First game will be up Tuesday.

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I reckon his greatest strength is sheer diversity in lists. A decent Ophelia list will always look the same, whereas Somer has the luxury to tailor his gangs a bit more.

This is the reason I have enjoyed playing Somer since I started the game. Though you forgot to mention that he also has the ability to refocus his crew composition in game (a powerful ability that very few Masters possess). Good luck.

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I reckon his greatest strength is sheer diversity in lists. A decent Ophelia list will always look the same, whereas Somer has the luxury to tailor his gangs a bit more.

I sort of disagree.

I think there is one really, really good way to play Somer. And a lot of mediocre ways to play him. I find the pigs to be mostly a red herring (unless you have treasure hunt). Hopefully his avatar and the pigapault will change that though, as I have not really used those yet. (what with no models)

But I also think he is easily a hell of a lot more competitive than Ophelia.

One bit of advice: mosquitoes, mosquitoes, mosquitoes!

They're useful for so much more than just dumping your opponent's hand and farting on him. (although those are great) They're 2 ss stones, incredibly hard to kill at 7 Df and 6 Wp (and 6 wd if you used take a swig or a dying rat to heal them) they have 10" wk and flight and you can make more of them. They're super fast, super tough, and you don't care in the least if they die. You have no idea how many games I've just camped one next to Nino or Rasputina for a few turns in Defensive Stance just to neutralize their range attacks. Or in Defensive stance within melee range of a mature nephilim. The mosquitoes Cb is equal to the nephilim's Df, so if you save some high cards (or dump your opponent's hand) you can easily beat him on those disengaging strikes. And if he just tries to hit the mosquito, the mosquito actually has a better defense, and with defensive stance (or, again, card advantage) you can just totally neutralize a 10 point model for a turn or 2 with a model you don't care in the least about.

Just thought I'd throw this out there, as I have yet to put it on the wiki.

Good luck!

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Is the game on Tuesday or are you playing Tuesday?

Game is on Tuesday. Whereas I'd love to play her one of these days, I'm pretty sure we live on different continents.

On tuesday I'd imagine, good to see your logging your take, I look forward to playing somer again.

On a related note, I won't be at firestorm tuesday but I'm free wednesday if you'd like to get in a game or two vs various masters.

Looking forward to easy Austringer food, more like. Love to, but I'm in work literally all day.


Ah! The True Gremlin Master! *bows*

Love the Piglets in Treasure Hunt. Have a little one run up to grab the stuff (Insigificant means they just don't count for the 4vps). Have him pass it off to a Gremlin. Definitely some room for fun there.

The Avatar, McTavish, Lenny and the Pigapult will definitely shake things up. Not entirely sold on the Pult as an artillery piece (sucks up a ton of resources) but its great for - again - grabbing objectives. McTavish is good from what I've seen on the weight of his Rifle alone.

Ha. Those Skeeter tricks are genius.

As our local Gulid player is absent, expect the game to be against either Ressers, Viks or maybe even Hamelin.

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I look forward to hearing about how your game goes and your thoughts on Somer. As a learning Somer player Im interested to see how things go.

Also those skeeter tricks are awesome and timely since my first pair are arriving Thursday and hitting the table Friday.

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You need two more. They're ace.

I just split the purchase, two now along with the slop haulers and taxidermist plus the stuffed piglets, two more when I order the Ophelia box. Keeps me from painting the same model four times in a short space of time.

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Don't always feel pressed to just summon with Som'er either. His Boomer with the Dumb Luck trigger and an even flip can do 10pts of damage to an enemy model on a severe!! That's pretty much death for most models.

Sorry to get off topic, but I don't see how his Avatar really makes a pig list any better than before. Besides the summon trigger from Swamp Gas, can someone explain?

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That was totally three bits of advice!

Gremlins are not known for their counting.

Sorry to get off topic, but I don't see how his Avatar really makes a pig list any better than before. Besides the summon trigger from Swamp Gas, can someone explain?

It probably doesn't. Although since the avatar is a pig, you're going to get double mileage out of things which boost pigs like the hog whisperer which could make pigs in general more attractive. Could. Again, probably not. But I'll reserve judgement until I've played with it for a while.

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Staying off topic a bit does A Somer keep Survival of the Fittest? I dont believe the avatar thread mentioned it. If he doesnt it makes the Hog Whisperer very nice on manifest turn since you have to dump 2 cards to keep a skeeter then can larva a gremlin to regain cards thanks to the whisperer.

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It probably doesn't. Although since the avatar is a pig, you're going to get double mileage out of things which boost pigs like the hog whisperer which could make pigs in general more attractive. Could. Again, probably not. But I'll reserve judgement until I've played with it for a while.

Come one, come all!! See the magical flying, reactivating Som'er + Peaches, Avatar of Indulgence!!!

Dumb Luck, are you going to be able to proxy the Avatar or are you just not going to field it?

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It probably doesn't. Although since the avatar is a pig, you're going to get double mileage out of things which boost pigs like the hog whisperer which could make pigs in general more attractive. Could. Again, probably not. But I'll reserve judgement until I've played with it for a while.

This is the main reason I fill the Avatar favors a Pig list (or balanced list) more so then a Gremlin list, you get the most mileage out of him when he is being buffed by things like the Hog Whisperer. If you just take a Hog Whisperer to buff A-Somer then you are devoting 7 SS of your hire pool to pull this very telegraphed combo off and getting little additional mileage out of it (since the Hog Whisperer really only functions well with Pigs). To me it isn't really worth it unless he can contribute a lot more (hence the inclusion of more piggies). I thihk of A-Somers gremlin buffs as more akin to insuring the survival of the key models that keep him running.

I also am using him similar to how I used to use my expensive War Pig (though better because he can actaully lead it better because he doesn't need the skeeter air traffic controllers). His 50mm size, Ht and Sooey allow me more control of the Pig Charges by screening things I dont want charged and allowing me to better line them up.

Staying off topic a bit does A Somer keep Survival of the Fittest? I dont believe the avatar thread mentioned it. If he doesnt it makes the Hog Whisperer very nice on manifest turn since you have to dump 2 cards to keep a skeeter then can larva a gremlin to regain cards thanks to the whisperer.

He does keep Survival of the Fittest and will actually probably be able to beneft from it more because of the proximity of buffs require.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Okay! Game Number One! It was 25ss against Kirai and these are our lists.

Somer Teeth Jones (3 ss cache)

2 Slop Haulers

1 Malifaux Rat

1 Skeeter

5 Gremlins

Reconitier, Stake a Claim, Breakthrough

Kirai Ankoku (7 ss cache)

Lost Love

3 Senshin

2 Gaki


Claim Jump, Bodyguard, Stake a Claim

The board was mostly full of bulidings. Ours Stakes were a hut in each of ours deployment zones (his right next to his Claim Jump marker). My crew hid behind a huge GW Mansion, whilst Kirai/Senshin/ Lost Love huddled on his right flank with the rest facing off against me.

Early turns saw the usual Rat/Gremlin into Skeeter tricks (netting me a few good cards in the bargain) on the Somer side. Kirai teleported around and summoned an Onyro next to the Claim Jump/Stake a Claim area. It stayed there unharmed for most of the game (mistake number one). Most of the action centred around Kirai and her Senshin block hemming Somer's guys into the chokepoint provided by the terrain.

Most of the early fights involved the Irkiyo, Gaki or Onyro getting farted on by Skeeters. Turn Three saw a mass breakout of Gremlins attempting to run past Kirai and her bubble, which slowly saw them get eaten up. Apart from one plucky soul who managed to run all the way to the oppisite table corner and netting me my Breakthrough.

Turn Five onwards saw the Gremlins attempting to sneak around the other side of the mansion in my deployment zone and towards the Onyro by the four VPs the Kirai player was sitting on. Turn Six saw the move I was most pleased with. I moved a Slop Hauler up and managed to avoid being butchered by the Datsube. Somer runs up behind, pops Reckless to cast Git Yer Bro on the Slop Hauler. Placing him within six, I was just close enough to net my own Stake a Claim after a ten inch run.

Came down to a 8-4 lose to Somer.

What I Learned

Deployment - I completely put myself in the wrong area. I allowed myself to get bottled up which worked perfectly for Kirai. She could hem me in with Gaki and the like, whilst a few spirits pottered around on the other side of the board to net an easy few VPs.

What I should have done was deploy myself right next to the Claim Marker and allow my weight in numbers to deny him his objective. This leads onto my second point.

Lack of Confiedence/Threat - This came the moment I put the crew together. I toke one look at it and thought 'Is that it?' Discussing this with a few of the others there at the time, there is absolutely nothing intimadating about looking at that crew from across the table. Most things in the game could walk at this crew and roll right over it. This played into how I deployed (bunched up into a corner, not right on top of the foe's objective). I could neither stand up to the enemy or avoid them very well.

Kirai just a bad match up? - Nearly all of her stuff focused on attacking willpower. Both the Skeeters and the Gremlins have a lower Wp than Df, making them easy targets for the ghosts. Until Book 3, I suppose part of the trouble in this game was just the bad match up.

Summoning - Ah ha. On to the good stuff. The double Slop Haulers worked pretty well as a summoning engine for Somer, allowing me to cast Git Yer Bro on each of them once a turn and help them (aswell as the summoned guys) back up fairly quickly. Somer doesn't really do much else mind. Maybe pop out from time to time to burn a control hand, but I don'y think he strayed far from my deployment zone all game.

And there's my first game! Not the most insipring start but it'll get better, honest! =)

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It was all the Kirai player had on him!

Do you reckon Somer needs Ophelia with him evey game to babysit the Gremlins he makes?

Without question, yes.

Gremlins can actually do a whole lot of damage, especially to the right targets. They can attack up to 3 times in a single activation at 12" range. If you think about it, that's pretty insane for a 2 stone model you may have 5 or 6 or 7 of all pelting something. But when every single miss hurts one of your own models, and their combat is 4, that gunline becomes just as effective against you as it against your opponent. Ophelia changes all of that (not to mention her other gremlin buffing abilities I'm sure you're aware of).

She also provides a higher combat with paired and use soul stone, so she can put damage on the higher defense targets the gremlins have trouble with. And a lot of damage at once, as opposed to the 1 or 2 point pin pricks the other gremlins provide. So she fills a major hole while also making the little gremlins viable.

I would take her every time, unless you're going all out pig heavy (which is kind of blah, in my opinion, but it's the only time I wouldn't take her).

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Do you reckon Somer needs Ophelia with him evey game to babysit the Gremlins he makes?

I would definately agree with Lalo on this particular crew build, the gunline needs Ophelia to really be devastating and remove the penalties inherent in it (since you wont have Piggies attacking and distracting your opponent allowing the Gremlins to focus fire).

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Thats a little disheartening. You'd think the Hog Boss would be happen to handle himself without Ophelia. Kinda makes me think it'd be worth in lower games sticking with Ophelia and then have Somer pop up in Brawls.

More games tomorrow!

Yeah, playing Somer before book 2 was...a huge challenge...

That said, I do think he is far more competitive than Ophelia given the right ss level. I would stick to Ophelia at 25-30 stones, but beyond that I would say Somer is the more competitive option. No need to save him for brawls.

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