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Rock you like a hurricane?

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Who's getting hit by Irene in the next coming days? I know that PA is getting a little brush with the horrifying mistress tonight!

In preparation I've got my Teddy painted, Ms. D is being painted, and I'll read book 3 once the power goes out!

What are your plans?

I live to far in to get hit by anything too serious, but to all who are getting hit I wish The best of luck and stay safe.

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Nothin exciting ever happens in Michigan (without intoxication).

Perhaps that is why we choose to live here?

Lived on the Gulf oh, sorry Guf Coast for five years and seven hurricanes/Tropical Storms, Lived in Alaska for two earth quakes and a Tsunami alert and several wiliwaws. Lived in Tornado Alley for a bit as well, yeah, I'll take nothing exciting happening except for a girls beach volleyball game.

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have rain... a little thunder... but the rain is making driving treacherous... You'd think, in a state where folks drive on snow/slush/ice for 5 months of the year (at least) that they'd be able to handle water *shakes head*

The mall is quite busy (both for a Sunday, and a storm day)... but I'm thinking that's due to a)folk festival closing for the day, B) back to school, and c) utter stupidity. I tell you what, if I didn't have to work today, I'd be home in my PJs, in my Bed with a Batman Movie Marathon... :D

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that was... um... some storm.... I saw a little tree down... and my neighbors cut down a tree after the rain but before the really bad wind just to make sure it didn't hit their house or garage... and there are tree bits everywhere (it kinda looks like an Ent vomited on many of the roads)...

other than some minor flooding... it was kinda lame... Can't wait to go to the coast tomorrow!!!

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