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A Construct-Lite Hoffman list.

Jonas Albrecht

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I get the inclusion of Nino, but what is the purpose of going Construct light in this case? What are the Guild Guards bringing?

I ran the following list last week, but it was based on having Deliver a Message as my strategy and my opponent having Contain Power:





Guild Guard


Hoffman camped at the back, and Lucius chucked the Guild Guard at Pandora for the win...

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I'd probably only really want to use strong independent living minions (like Nino) because Hoffman really doesn't do much for them...

There is a point where having more contructs doesn't really help, but until you reach it, constructs really should be the majority of the list...

Alternatively, adding a model that provides something you can't get from Constructs (like a Witchling Stalker or the new Exorcist for Magic attacks)...

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this is an interesting concept, though i am not quite sure how i would handle this. Since hoffman gets better the more constructs are around, if you do not have constructs why play hoffman? Seeing as just about any other master would be better with the said models.

Again, variety. There's no other justification needed.

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Construct-Lite Hoffman. Is this like a Diet Soda?

I have a set of Hoffman strategies that revolve around this and they seem to work very well in the few chances I've had to test them. (note: limited play experience here)

I look at Hoffman in this case as "I'm taking the guild healer-Master". Sound odd? Well, I can't find any other dedicated healing in the guild and Guardians with protects and Masters soulstones seem to be the way to go if you want pure Guild.

So anyway, I usually want Hoffman and a ride.


Grab a Guardian. Done with constructs. Now what would benefit? You can really fill out almost anything here and it'll work pretty good, especially if you're doing a "kill teams" idea.

So who likes resiliance? How about Santiago? He's that tricky guy that likes to be hurt but not dead. So you set up...

Santiago with Guardian as one group

Nino with Austringer as a "cover" group further back

Hoffman and Peacekeeper to roam

Now you have the melee savvy and mobile Hoffman with Peacekeeper roaming the board, being just tough like they are.

You have Santiago with a Guardian. Get Santiago down to 4 wounds - then the guardian starts protecting him. Santiago's not going down unless the Guardian does first. And both can heal. Also this gives Santiago a melee buddy in case he gets in trouble. (and it probably won't take Hoffman long to provide melee support with his speed).

And, of course, Nino and Austringer I just picked because they are great guild ranged support.

There's a TON of lists in this theme you can do. Essentially you drop 16 points for Hoffman, Peacekeeper, Guardian - the rest are whatever you want.

Hoffman the construct Master really don't lose out on much here by not taking more constructs (or even by not keeping the Guardian close). Just having the Peacekeeper alone attached he still has access to Armor +2, (assiilated) Immune to Influence), Awesome machine puppet target, Awesome Overrride Edict target, Important model to protect, Excellent speed. That's mostly what I find my Hoffman wants. He gives up a little Ca - but he can still hit his spells pretty well. And with the exception of Override Edict, I don't end up using a ton of spells with him anyway - especially not combat mechanic. Which is arguably also hurt by this crew due to lack of scrap counters. Again, combat mechanic does not come up for me often with full construct crews, in all honesty.

Of course, you need to play smart with your models as this makes the crew more like any other guild crew and less like a Hoffball - but there's tradeoffs in anything.

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Please do! I don't have nearly enough time to play (especially now that the school year has started). I'd be real curious to see how this plays out.

Also, with same idea in mind...was just curious thinking how Papa Loco might do with a Guardian escort. I envision a Papa, possibly with armor +4 for himself, exploding....over....and over.....and over..... and over..... and...well, you get the point. :)

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Hoffman's Dampening ability.

Anyways, I played this crew against my friends Von Schill and it worked out incredibly. The Santiago/Guardian combo is INCREDIBLE.

It also worked out great cause they poured so much into killing Hoffman (lost him turn3), but that didn't seem to slow down the crew at all. So much damage potential.

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