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Why do you lose?

Jonas Albrecht

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I tend to hop between masters alot, and even have a D8 and a little card that Lists Raspy, Colette, Zoraida, Lilith, Pandora, Dreamer, Som'er, Ophelia. I will roll that dice and pick which master to use that particular game (in fun games.)

I find the games I lose are typically because I have not played a crew / model / master in a while and forget about abilities on the card (I never remember that Cassandra gets a free move at the start of the game)

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The biggest thing for me is that I don't realize what needs to be done until there aren't enough action points left to do what needs to be done.

Similarly I sometimes get a little obsessed over one objective and forget others. Had a few Avatar games where I was so worried about manifesting I forgot to actually try to win.

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Same reason I lose at all of these sorts of games- my reactive play is pretty good, but my proactive/strategic play is terrible. In other words, given a situation I can find the best course of action but I struggle to come up with a plan and stick to it.

That's why I'm playing games like this in general and Nicodem in particular- to get me out of my usual lines of thinking.

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