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Best enforcer for Seamus?


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I've played quite a few games with the pink shirt wearing psycho now and have enjoyed great success.

However, I find myself wondering about hiring an 'Enforcer' type model. You know, the sort of minion that you can (reasonably...) rely on to get stuck in and smack someone around a bit.

I've become far too reliant on old Bette Noir as my 'shock and awe' model. Appearing in the thick of it, killing/paralyzing/irritating the hell out of my opponent...ing then getting buried to repeat later in the game.

My problem is that it's getting a little 'samey'.

The obvious choices are Rogue Necromancy, Dead Rider and Killjoy, but can anyone give me some advice on them?

Or any other choices?

I tend to run:



Grave Spirit

2 x Belles

+ seasoning dependant on strategy...


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I've tried the 'Hanged' and I won't lie, I struggled to make use of her (Perdita on order for conversion...).

I'm looking more for inspiration on what to take as a physical threat to my opponent. Something that can hold it's own in the middle of the park and also offer the possibility of taking out any tough guys on the opposing side (Snow Storm, Peacekeeper etc.)

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I think it's the real downside of Rezers the lack of an enforcer type model. I can't really complain, Neverborn lack real summoning and are generally easy to kill. Every faction has stuff they do and stuff they are worse at.

However Von Schill is really good with Seamus I've taken him a few times.

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Yep and Yep

you need to be carefull with you SS pool though or you can end up burning through them fast.

I've always been tempted to try Von Schill and a Necrotic Machine. Make them Undead and then Von Schill ignores Hard to Wound and get a :+fate to his damage, but I don't think it will work in practice.

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thats exactly what rezzers who focus on summoning do. you have to kill your own stuff to get corpses needed for summoning early. kirai sacs spirits to summon

i would much rather have the neverborn no resources required type of summoning.

But as I said it's not summoning, Rezers can continually bring models back, turn the enemy into your models.

Whereas the grow list makes your cheap models into more expensive ones, but what it doesn't do is expand your numbers, or allow you to turn the enemy resources into your own. With Kirai I have before now turned every model in the opponents crew into either Seishin or Gaki or even both, Also replacing any of my models that died, therefore ending with double the SS I started with and far more activations. It an ongoing weight of numbers effects.

A Lilith crew will start with 6-8 models, will then normally sac 2 Desperate Mercs, meaning they have 4-6 models in play. which they will then make them bigger.. BUT they will never have more than those 4-6 models whatever they do.. They are stuck at that amount and every casualty they take lowers it.

So as far as I can see it's not true summoning. It's a damn nice trick though.

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Anyway, been looking at Shikome (mainly because two mates have bought Snow Storm models and I'm struggling to find ways of dealing with it).

Anyone recommend a Shikome as a enforcer for Seamus?

Seems as good as anything else for dealing with a Snow Storm...

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Anyway, been looking at Shikome (mainly because two mates have bought Snow Storm models and I'm struggling to find ways of dealing with it).

Anyone recommend a Shikome as a enforcer for Seamus?

Seems as good as anything else for dealing with a Snow Storm...

To deal with a Snow Storm, get into melee with it and hit it. Make sure it's either already activated, or isn't going to kill what it hits back, because it will heal.

Snow Storm is ridiculously fragile. 8 wound average def spirit doesnt keep you alive very long against, well, anything really.

And yes, Shikome can kill pretty much anything, SS is no exception. Two moderate damage hits on a Snow Storm including a poison trigger is 75% of its wounds, for example. Don't think of it as an enforcer though, as it's board presence is quite low due to the Prey mechanic; you really want enforcers to have a lot of table presence. Shikome are good with non-Kirai masters but they are very vulnerable to being kited into uselessness a lot of the time, in which case they often have to be used as a distraction rather than a killer and we're back to square one.

You can also cast spells at it with Seamus, Nicodem, McMourning, and Molly....they will all blow it up in short order, too. Or Whisper from Beyond it with a Hanged (added advantage of stopping future heals). We're not short on ways of stopping Snow Storm!

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Tried a shikome myself with Seams and didn't really like the results much. Aside from me needing more numbers since I was also packing bete, she has the problem of not having access to Kirai's insane table control, so it's a lot easier to keep the flying bitch in check. I also learned the hard way that stalk prey can be used against you :P

Bete did her job decently enough though the game ended on top of turn 2 when Seamus got red jokered into oblivion by a victoria and murdered my chances at getting points.

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Whisper from Beyond it with a Hanged (added advantage of stopping future heals). We're not short on ways of stopping Snow Storm!

I know I'm relatively new to this Malifaux lark but I can't believe I missed that!

Also remembered that Avatar Seamus is in the post, if that's not a flippin' enforcer there's something very wrong...

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I cycle between Bette, Hanged + Grave Spirit and Dead Rider + Grave spirit depending on what I'm up against. Dead Rider is sick, he can hold up an entire crew for 2 turns (though he usually goes down after that), and snipe a single model out of a crowd with drag along. Remember, mounted combat is a push, and with pass through and scout you pretty much draw a line towards a target and go for it.

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Tried a shikome myself with Seams and didn't really like the results much. Aside from me needing more numbers since I was also packing bete, she has the problem of not having access to Kirai's insane table control, so it's a lot easier to keep the flying bitch in check.

This very much. It's so easy for an enemy to keep the majority of his crew between Shikome and her Prey when you cant pull-swirl-trix her 30-odd inches across the board before she moves. From the few times I've played her I'm definitely starting to plant her firmly in the Kirai-only camp, but I've not given up on her just yet. Forcing people to run the f away or die does have uses all of its own.

Also despite what I've said in recent posts, I haven't given up on Dead Rider yet (and more specifically, DR+Grave Spirit). I'm currently playing him whilst accepting the fact that you're paying a premium for getting a model that is so different to everything else you have access to (not that other factions have to cope with that as a disadvantage, but it makes me feel better to think of it like that...). The fact that McMourning and the Chihuahua can carve chunks out of him on turn 1 and he can start his second activation on 7 wounds as you want him to anyway is also making me feel better :)

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The Dead Rider has become Seamus' best friend in my recent games. Over the past 4 games I've played with the Rider (1 was with Nico not Seamus) He has had some mixed results. But in 2/4 games he was a mega star. He basically won me both games. The Grave Spirit is a huge boon for him as Arm 2 & Hard to Wound 2 means he generally takes 1 damage per attack. He has amazing speed and you can use adjust purpose to make him fast so he can move into melee and then flurry. He may be expensive, but good god is he worth it. Also when you can use Mounted Combat to attack something and then get him to safety. Its not always easy, but it can save him a lot of pain.

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The Dead Rider has become Seamus' best friend in my recent games. Over the past 4 games I've played with the Rider (1 was with Nico not Seamus) He has had some mixed results. But in 2/4 games he was a mega star. He basically won me both games. The Grave Spirit is a huge boon for him as Arm 2 & Hard to Wound 2 means he generally takes 1 damage per attack. He has amazing speed and you can use adjust purpose to make him fast so he can move into melee and then flurry. He may be expensive, but good god is he worth it. Also when you can use Mounted Combat to attack something and then get him to safety. Its not always easy, but it can save him a lot of pain.

Out of interest, what's he done for you that's worthy of being Seamus' best friend - and why do you consider him to have been better than an alternative model?

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In my most recent game I was facing a Zorida Grow list. Using Belles to Lure in opponents and Adjust Purpose to keep him fast I was able to set him up for several Flurries. This allowed him to take down Lilitu, a Tot, and Nekima.

I have also found using Mounted Combat to attack something and then move on into Cover or as best as he can to get out of line of sight of a counter attack.

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