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Stone.and.Mortar's Puppet Project

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Alright so as mentioned else where I am impatient.

Oh right thats probably not enough information to make this thread interesting. The short of it is, I can't wait for my shipment, its preorder so I don't even know when it will ship. Solution: Build my own board!

The following will be a collection of my thoughts on the process, both to keep myself organized and to provide any other would be builders with my mistakes so they don't have to blunder through them on their own.

So to start with, lets see a picture of the prototype board, this is what the fiance and I have been playing on up until last night. Now its a piece of the new board, but I'm getting ahead of myself.


Wow what an awful looking board lol. So this was made by tracing 40mm bases and following the same pattern as I would with hex's. It served its purpose, but its just so ugly! The hobbyist in me knew I could do better. Thus I read up on how to draw perfect hexagons with the aid of a compass and made myself a template to trace some hex's onto another piece of poster board. Aaaaand this was the result:


I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the utter crap camera job thats displayed here, Ill be transitioning to my fiances camera for the latter portions of this but this will have to do for now. So this looks much nicer but still needs work, so next outline the hex's with an exacto and widen the space cut just a bit, then mount onto the back of the old board and prime the whole thing with black gesso.


Looks rough, but itll take paint and can be improved on from here. Next post will cover the token design I'm going to go for, I'm not sure the image restrictions and I apologize if these sizes are too large, but I'm still getting readjusted to forum etiquette lol.

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Ok so for my tokens Im using cork board for my impassable terrain and am going to use a sculpting tool to rough the surface up a bit and prime with more gesso and then paint them up nicely. This is what I ended up putting together, they still need alot of work.



For work benches I cut out some pretty sturdy cardboard backings and glued some popsicle sticks down for planking. For these I plan on texturizing with the sculpting tools again and then priming and painting in the appropriate colors.



And thats my progress thus far, soooo much work left to do but I really enjoy this game so I think it will be well worth it in the end. Ill leave you with what the standard map looks like on my board as is. Any recommendations and tips for paiting would be hugely appreciated as I am a terrible painter.


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Congratulations on a job well done. I am impressed. I was going to do something along that, but planned to only print out the hexes and paste the sheets to a firmer board. I might even have some maps already complete with impassable terrain. Can't do permanent workbenches because one could destroy one with optional rules. Again, nice job.

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Well, a very very small update to the project. I had a rough week at work so I haven't made much progress on this, my first day off. And probably won't this weekend but I did make a couple decisions as to how I will progress forward. First of all here is the latest pic, again I apologize for how small a step this is.



Wow I just realized how awful the quality is on these pictures. Well, as you can see (vaguely) I've decided to use wire to create, as best I'm able, stitch work between the hex's. Trying to capture some of the feel from the rest of the game and use it here, I'm not sure how it will come out after I reprime the gaps and the wire, and then eventually paint it but I hope it will work nicely.

The IT (Impassable Terrain) markers have been texturized with some sand I've got left over and then primed with black gesso. They look uneven but I've tested all of them and models stand quite steadily on each of the tokens. Furthermore I took care to differ the texture on each token as much as possible to avoid making them redundant.

As to other decisions, paint scheme! I think I'm going to go for very bright colors and try to make the board look patchwork like some of the puppets in the Wyrd art. I think it'll look nice at the very least, though I am nervous about pulling it off without making it painful on the eyes. Especially with my painting skill, which isnt much to write home about. Oh well, at least I'm having fun right! So onward bound and hopefully I'll have something better (in quality as well) to show you all tomorrow. Heres hoping!

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It would probably be worth putting some felt backing on the loose hexes. It'd help with sliding and more importantly prevent scratching of the hexes they sit on.

Painting. I like the patchwork idea. You just have to use pastel colours instead of primary. A quick Google shows a bunch of options that would leave a lot of visibility. Commmon theme seems to be rings of the same colour around a centre hex shape. Use quilt, patchwork, hex on an image search

Identifying benches - You'll have the tokens from the game to use. You could also make a few taller hexes and paint the sides in teh various master colours and put them under the benches

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@themurphyfella Thank you for the excellent suggestions sir! I hadn't even considered felt as the sliding hasnt been an issue due to the grit of the gesso but after theyre all sealed that will likely become an issue and I just happen to have some felt lying around so why not?

Another great suggestion on the pastels I was kind of leaning in that direction already, my fiances an art major and shes been pushing me towards pastels since I started this thing but I was kinda meh about it. I suppose we'll just have to see how it goes. Thanks for the help on the google search too, I'll definately have to go check it out, though I do want to keep it irregular, more in resemblance of the patched together puppets than anything.

As to identifying the benches. They've been primed white and I am going to do my best to paint them all up with a natural yet obviously fake wood tone and then for the masters tokens I am going to try source lighting from between the boards and the sides in their respective colors. Now I am as mentioned repeatedly an awful painter so well see how this goes. I just like the idea of when one of the benches is taken over by a particular entity it begins to glow with their own special brand of power. Will this come across in my painting? Probably not. Am I going to try? Heck yeah. Non claimed tokens will of course be left with just the wood tones and shadows between the boards.

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