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Gamers Lounge on the road to Gencon?


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Looks like it will be an exciting and mildly overwhelming week for Podcast listeners out there. Sean (Seanhammer) is releasing his shows with the Aethervox guys, the Aethervox just pushed out 2 shows (on the 4th and 8th) and now Gamers Lounge will be releasing the Gencon Special episodes.

As a quick reference:

  • Releasing around Midnight EST (GMT - 5) tonight (Wednesday) - Gamers Lounge Gencon Special #1
  • Releasing around midnight EST (GMT - 5) tomorrow - Gamers Lounge Gencon Special #2
  • Releasing around midnight EST (GMT - 5) Friday - Gamers Lounge Gencon Special #3

Special Episode #1 - Dixon and Bill talk about arriving at Gencon on Wednesday, quick discussion about initial impressions, then rounds 1-3 of the Master of Malifaux.

Special Episode #2 - Coverage of round 4 of the Master of Malifaux

Special Episode #3 - Puppet Wars Review

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Did you manage to hunt down any interviews while at the con or were you to busy running demos.

Also when are you going to have that sexy Nilus guy back on your podcast. I here your female demographic jumps by at least 50% whenever his sexy voice is on. :)

Wait... I could have recorded interviews as well?


LOL, I actually missed out on recording interviews. Between Demo's, playing, and simply being overwhelmed with my first Gencon I kept forgetting the recorder. Next year will be better. This years recording are all Dixon and I talking on the 9 hour drive home.

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Just starting listening.

For the record I believe there were 2 and 1/2 Chicago players there at the tourney.

Dennis, who you guys played

Bret, playing guild. he dropped after two rounds. I guess he only got 3 hours of sleep the night before and just couldn't focus. Which is a same he had some interesting Guild Spam lists he tested out(Basically masters and then a whole bunch of cheap minions). Dogs + LJ was pretty nasty.

And I believe Vince was playing in it(or one of the guys he shared a twitter feed with). He goes to college out of state so I only count him half...unless he won :)

My hope was that Kevin would play but I guess he was burned out by Saturday and he had some issues with how painted his models were. He would have rocked a Zoriada list.

Anyways next year you will have a real challenge because I will be there...If my wife lets me play :)

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If Dennis is the guy who played Dixon, he was great! They seemed to have a really good game.

I did harass him a bit at the start of the tourney, as you had just responded to the Twitter post that the Chicago guys needed to redeem themselves for Adepticon. :D

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Just finished listening to them. Good stuff on there. I'm glad that both you and Seanhammer regularly give me some Malifaux podcasting goodness.

Btw, which of you was driving? I was trying to work it out...

We swapped back and forth. Before the "Lunch Break" it was Dixon, which contributed to the abrupt stop for Lunch as I tried to navigate. Post Lunch it was me (Bill).

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