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Avatar Concerns

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Well, and also the later in the game it gets, the less direct use you get out of that direct 2 SS investment, due to less action points to use as an Avatar. You however might get an indirect benefit on changing how your opponent plays. In the case of Seamus, quite often I find people like to get in close on Seamus as soon as possible if it fits their strats, because once in Melee, Seamus cannot use his gun, and becomes harder to heal because he cannot use Live for Pain, as it is a ranged attack.


Spend 2 SS at the beginning of the game and all of a sudden that becomes less of a viable tactic. Again I don't have the book, but from reports it seems that the one place you don't want to be when Avatar Seamus shows up is inside his Melee range. The psychological benefits I think are definitely worth an outlay of 2 SS even if aSeamus never comes into play.

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Getting Seamus in melee isn't always the best move anyway. Belles just lure him out of harms way, at least that's what I do lol. I played a 3 way on Thursday night against Lady J and Marcus. Lady J charged Seamus turned 1 or 2 (I forget exactly when it happened), leaving him with 1 wound left. I used a belle to lure him out, I was then able to cast Live for pain on my own Belles to heal 7 wounds!

Having his Avatar is going to force me to play Seamus even more aggressive now, knowing that I can go Super Saiyan when you make him angry!!!

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Well, unless there is something I missed somewhere ruling wise, I don't really like luring Seamus himself much anymore if the belle is anywhere near him as the way my cards read the Belles MUST make a strike at him if he is in range. And I don't often want to burn cards from my hand just to be certain I miss. Although I guess I could just bash at him and hope I pull a weak card for dmg.

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It is suprising how often you can manifest, but due to the schemes and strategies it isn't always in your best interest to do so.

In the games we played, due to the inital excitement about Avatars, people were manifesting because they could and not because they should - it often didn't work out in their favour...... although it was always great fun though :)

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From the scans we've seen, it seems pretty obvious that you may choose when you manifest, and you can delay it as long as you'd like. Perhaps the "automatic" turns would force a change, but I would doubt it.

Depending on the turn and number of triggers, manifesting can be an (All), (2), (1), (0), or (Auto). I don't think there's any way, outside of the (Auto) to force a manifest.

Hookers has confirmed that (Auto) manifestation is indeed forced:

You can stop it by spending a soul stone. The other way to stop it is, of course, by not meeting your manifest requirements.
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Well, unless there is something I missed somewhere ruling wise, I don't really like luring Seamus himself much anymore if the belle is anywhere near him as the way my cards read the Belles MUST make a strike at him if he is in range. And I don't often want to burn cards from my hand just to be certain I miss. Although I guess I could just bash at him and hope I pull a weak card for dmg.

I don't think I've ever had a hand where I didn't have at least one low card to cheat the Belle's attack if I had to do this. Remember that you can cheat her attack down as easily as cheating Seamus' Df up. Given the opportunity to trade a uselessly low hand card to avoid even a point or two of damage, it's well worth it.

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I don't think I've ever had a hand where I didn't have at least one low card to cheat the Belle's attack if I had to do this. Remember that you can cheat her attack down as easily as cheating Seamus' Df up. Given the opportunity to trade a uselessly low hand card to avoid even a point or two of damage, it's well worth it.

A tried and true Gremlin tactic when you dont have the lacroixs.

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