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Avatar Seamus


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Seamus, Avatar of Dread

His Defense drops (if it can be believed) though his wounds remain the same. He loses Hard to Wound bit keeps Hard to Kill. He gains Regeneration 2, and his Terrifying now affects all enemy models that don’t have Anathema themselves, regardless of whether they can be terrified normally (even Constructs run from him!). Whenever something around him fails a morale duel, he heals. When he’s in melee, he’s got Armor +2. He’s Wicked and his Mark gives all models in his army Terrifying +1, or Terrifying 12 if they’re not already Terrifying.

He’s still fast.

He has huge fists that ignore armor and hit hard! He can also chuck corpses around, though he needs corpse tokens to do so. He has two triggers on his fists, one that triggers a morale duel on the defender and another that triggers a DF duel on the defender – fail and be paralyzed, pass and just be slowed. The Corpse has a trigger that creates a morale duel too.

He can continually permanently increase his Terrifying at the cost of his own Willpower. He has a (1) action that makes all models within 4” of him perform WP->13 morale duels. And he has another (1) action that gives all enemies within 10” of him -2 WP.

He has a few spells – a (0) that increases his combat prowess (but requires a Ram), and then a (1) that paralyzes target model (8 Crow required) and another that gives him a healing flip with a Ram.

His manifest requirements are that he successfully cast Face of Death twice, and that he use Slit Jugular against an enemy model that he charged using No Escape.

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I don't know if its been cleared up yet but you don't need to do all the manifest requirements to bring out the Avatar. They help to bring them our quicker but they are all not required.

Yeah it has, but that one is practically impossible to get through if your opponent doesn't want a hulk in their face. :P

Comparing to Sonnias "Deal 10 wounds", this one seems a bunch harder. Time will tell!

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Yh but comparing to Sonnia's this avatar will rip you in two and throw you across the street, knocking down walls and making the earth shake. :D

Actually that part of it. Part of the way Avatars were balanced was based on there manifest requirements. Hard requirements, stronger Avatar. In theory at least.

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I'm loving this. It looks like normal Seamus is perfect to start the game with, giving me an early advantage through ranged prowess, summoning, and control abilities. Then when I want to really wade into melee, I can hulk out and begin terrifying the enemy to pieces. Absolutely perfect.

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Well, also with Seamus' classic minion choice, the Rotten Belle, being along, Avatar Seamus becomes even more scary. Group of Belles clustered around Seamus, Seamus goes Avatar and the Belles begin pulling you to Seamus. Oh, and that group of undead Hookers... they're all Terrifying now. So if you survive Seamus' attack you're gonna have to make a good number of terror tests as soon as you activate.

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That's awesome!! Happy that his Master Scheme has nothing to do with his manifestation requirements, cause that's a bitch sometimes. Cast face of Death Twice...really...really...really =D!!! Do you have to kill someone with Slut Jug, or is it just get the trigger off and have them discard cards/ss to meet the requirement? Thanks for the post!!

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I don't think you have to kill someone. Just get the trigger. And even so, seeing how easy his first requirement is, I'm not complaining. I usually don't bother abusing No Escape much, but this gives me a good reason to start doing so.

No, but you do have to hit and damage with a CB 5 attack and also hit a crow. In addition to which, you will only ever be able to avatar the turn after this happens, since you have to have already activated and cast No Escape to hit the trigger.

Not super hard, but way harder than the other guys. Although as you say, his first one is kind easy, but will eat valuable AP on casting his worst spell nontheless.

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It only needs to use the Slit Jugular trigger, not actually kill anyone with it. And someone else pointed out how easy it is to get No Escape using your Belle's Lure. The turn you decide to go for that manfiestation requirement, you should get it if you've got the crow in hand. Don't go for something huge and use a soulstone to make sure you hit. It sounds like a complicated one, but it's not all that hard if you put some effort into it.

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