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no noo noooooooo (my malifaux collection halved...)

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so 2011 gave me a rough time.. lots of loss, and having trekked around living in different place, just as I tought things had greatly turned around, after unboxing and organising all my stuff in my new apartment, I seem to miss one of my miniature boxes.. so organising everything I actually realise that it is not just any of my miniature boxes it was one of my 3 favorite boxes (3 boxes that contained miniatures I really liked, miniatures I concepted, LE miniatures and my full 2 favorite ranges : Malifaux and Pulp city.) .. only stuff that wasnt in the box was those that were assembled and partially painted, and those that I had gotten more recently.

for anyone who want to share in the exact magnitude of my pain, the huge list : O_O (yes, its only half of it, see my joining date... this box had been filled regularily over a loooong time >_< )

dead marshalls, judge, sonnia, peacekeeper, ramos and all his arachnids, injun joss, sabretooth cerberus, 2 molemen, 2 silurids, zoraida, bad juju, all book 1 gremlins, bishop, the cowboyhat ronin, 3 canine remains, my second seamus (I had 2), all (book 1) nephilim, necropunks, a couple of totems and bits from minis I hadnt fully assembled yet (rasputina arms, all lose ortega bits, all bases accesoires sets among others.)

and 260 euros worth of freebooter miniatures (most importantly.. the copies of the non-goblin ones I concepted : clockwork fairies, timewitch, doc taranto and dixie dynamite :( ) and some random steampunk miniatures from various ranges.. most I cant even remember what I had anymore, but among them some LE stuff and OOP stuff (my big collection of reserve midnor puppets to pimp bases with :( :\


just wanted to vent

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I feel your pain man, I've moved many times in the last 10 years and can honestly say that everytime I move I always have the problem of , didn't I use to have X and then find the receipt saying I bought it years ago but can't find it anywhere. and loss of a mini, especially OOP minis is especially painful.

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And there was me thinking having to drag all my belongings (PC, clothes, miniatures, DVDs, etc) on two 40 minute journeys was bad. I've suffered from travelling but I count myself lucky I've never had any serious loss or accident (though I did leave a just purchased Vampire Count book on a bus once).

I've heard two seperate stories about two friends having to leave a flat in a hurry, leaving behind pretty much their entire collections (big expensive Warhammer collections), something I couldn't bring myself to do.

Hopefully you'll be reunited.

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