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Misaki WIP


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The sheer stocking effect is lovely! Very subtle but still discernible - extremely nice. I also like the colour scheme a lot.

Please make her so that i like her. Never seen a Misaki i really liked!

I'm in the same boat but this one actually looks pretty promising :)

Am searching for another Mini to substitute.

Thought about Kujaku Hime (here painted by Bren)

The proportions are all weird (look at those arms!)

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@Mydnight and Math - sorry, but I wasn't aiming for either of those things! Doesn't mean they're not there, though - what did Bob Ross call them - "happy little accidents"? :)

Technically, this model is a failure. I wanted to emulate JM Graham's methods, which produce a very high-contrast, cartoonish style of mini, but my own tendencies crept back in almost immediately, and I ended up with this. I will try for another JM Graham mini with Taelor, I think.

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Nearly finished. I need to redo her eyes, as they have turned out rather weird :crazy:






Not only is Misaki a complete pain in the rear to assemble, she is very challenging to paint. The pose of the model renders all sorts of areas very hard to reach, but I certainly would not paint the model and then assemble it, given the amount of bending and reposing needed. Without a magnifying glass/ lamp and a very fine brush this would have been much harder than it was.

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