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Mako's Crew(s)


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I spotted something horribly awry.

I appreciate your humility but I think you went too far when you said that you weren't an expert. Obviously you won't say that you are [applaud], but don't belittle yourself by saying you're not.

Master? Perhaps not, I'll give you that.

More to learn? Of course, that's everyone.

Expert? At the very least sir.

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Nah, I've just been lucky enough to spend time chatting to several people who really understand it, and have them critique my painting and my colour choices! They really are experts at it, I'm just good at pretending I know what's going on. I blame science, it's my job to fudge it and act like I know what I'm doing *grin*

But it's always nice to get a little ego stroking, so thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since I've been a little short on painting time and space recently, I thought I'd keep this thread alive with a little insight into how I try to prevent ending up with the giant pile of untainted stuff for malifaux that I have for other stuff. So I have a spreadsheet that lists everything I have, how far I've got with it, and the number and soulstone cost. Split by faction, then summarised on the front page. How sad am I...?



And yes, that's an extra column already sat waiting for the ten thunders, after the preview photos...

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Yeah, I left it open until we found out for definite if it was only ten thunders, or if there was. More general three kingdoms thing going on, with the Dervish swords and such involved. Soon I'll change it though.

I really don't want to get any more models until I've made more progress in my other stuff, but i don't reckon my chances are very good on that one!

So next week I'll be trying to paint up death marshalls and do a bunch of sculpting, since I've now finished sorting out the things I had to do to move out of my old place. With any luck I'll at least get more guild started and maybe even finished before the inevitable buying chaos. And if I can find my mini tripod, a new guide, focused on doing things like freehand and OSL.

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Could give you problems pine boxing the judge *wink*

I can see this becoming a whole Aussie themed crew, with Lady platypus leading her death marsupials, the judgehog, a wombatsecutioner and possibly an emustringer and a numbatxorcist (just because the word numbat is hilarious!).

Which means I quite possibly now have three scratch built crews on the table, one being my breach runners, and the others being alt versions of normal crews!


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Heh, you may be a teensy bit closer to the real thing than I've ever been! Given that I've roamed the northern hemisphere fairly extensively, I don't actually think I've ever ended up below the equator...

And advice is always good!

Actually, I've just thought - would a platypus lady J have to have poison 1? :-P

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Not really off topic, I think we've achieved the rare state of double facepalm!

On the bright side, if I can actually navigate for once in my life, tomorrow night I may actually get a game in! Or I could roam Harrogate in the car for hours looking for the place...

And I painted the flesh on my death marshals today, friday I reckon I'll have pictures of them part painted to put up. That might stop the random chaos of death marsupials!


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