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Mako's Crew(s)


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Ok then, first up we have a little more work on Lucius. The legs are getting lots of small stages of careful bulking, and his crotch may need a little sanding down, its rather impressive at the moment...


And Jaakuna in an almost finished state (well, the main part anyway. Corpses, lilies, and chains to do. and the base to finish sorting, but the worst part is over. Cutting recesses is a pain! This thing is a pain to photograph too...


So there we are, what do people think? I tried for a waxy, slightly cyanotic skin on the child. Not perfect but there we go, learning process!

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Nah, you're not wrong. It's better in the flesh (still fiddling with light setup) but she's still not as sharp a contrast as she could and probably should have been. The skin and dress trim match the kimono freehand a bit too much, which was a bit of bad planning on my part!

I'll get a better photo next time so it shows a little more, but it's not going to be a great difference even then...

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getting lots of small stages of careful bulking, and his crotch may need a little sanding down, its rather impressive at the moment...

I'm sure Lucius doesn't mind at all.

Cutting recesses is a pain! This thing is a pain to photograph too...

The bane of including water effects, of course Secret Weapon (and a few others I believe) have an easier way around it (for a price of course). Not sure if $1-5 a pop is really worth the savings in effort though.

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I just wish I had my dremel, that made it quick and easy!

Crap. That's what i keep forgetting when I do mine. And the damn dremel sits at my feet while I work on them. You'd think I would notice it sitting there and pull it out to speed up the process. :facepalm:

I do like Jakunna. I agree that the colors are not the best, but they look good. Perhaps another highlight on the girl will bring her out of the cloth a bit. Not sure how far you'd want to go with that though.

I think a lot of the issue is a distance thing. The closer you look, the easier it is to see the differences in colors and differentiate the models. But at a distance (or small size as often happens on computer screens), it all sort of blurs together. Regardless, the work is exquisite as always. I am now hunting through fabric shots for ideas to use in the future.

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A little bit shallower than I can do with a sheet of plasticard and a normal base, so you still end up with only a thin layer of liquid. Makes them look like small puddles rather than anything bigger.

---------- Post added at 05:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------

Cheers brugly, yeah the purple and green would be fine but the bone freehand was a bit daft in retrospect. Still, in reality it's not as bad. Hopefully once I get the rest done I can take some bigger and probably better photos, which might help.

I can't up the highlights as none of Kirai's crew has highlights above bonewhite, except the white masks, which the child doesn't have. Kind of limited by the previous stuff!

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I'm still adjusting my new setup, that's all it is really. Once I get the balancing right again I'll be back to usual, it just needs a bit more fiddling before I'm fully happy. Always the way when the setup changes, I need to go back and calibrate everything. The white balance is dead on, just the other bits to fine tune. Boring and results in a few odd shots, but should only take me part of an afternoon once work ends for the holidays.

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The dress isn't so much of a problem in reality, and I can't really change the colour as its deliberately done to match up with the rest of the crew. It's the skin and the ivory detailing that concerns me a little, which is unfortunate but not really anything I can fix now!

Boxed myself in with that one by having a very complex model and a limited palette with defined highlight limits and shading tones...

But rest assured, once I finish messing with the setup it will look more accurate and the child will show up better. I should have done the calibrating before I posted photos, but I wanted to put up some progress before moving on to the corpses!

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I should actually add that I love the fact that people will come out and say things they see that they don't like, or would change. It's awesome and often gives me ideas.

In this case I'm limited in what I can fiddle with, but I might just have a look at things, see if I can reposition some of the green tones to improve things. (and the longer I look at the photo the more I wish I'd taken the time to check my calibrations. It looks so much worse on the iPad than my laptop, so I'll have to check that too!)

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The pic is a bit small so I can't see the details very well but it looks very nice nonetheless. I just thought that you might want to add some more color to Jakuuma as she seems a tad too dark at the moment. Maybe glowing eyes? But that's just a suggestion, she'll probably look great anyway once you finish the base.

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She actually has quite vivid red eyes. Well, eye. Only one is visible. No OSL though, they're like Ikiryo's eyes in that sense. But you can't really see them as the photo is fairly pants!

Next time I'll be taking overall shots and probably a few closer ones too, so that people can see what's going on better. This one was more of a progress report than anything else, and a bit of a test of which settings I'd got worked out. Probably shouldn't have updated until I'd taken the extra time to sort it all properly...

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Ok, that photo was annoying me and making it hard for everyone! So I used some free time today to mess about with my rig again, and here's a much much more accurate photo! Cropped closer this time since the base isn't relevant to this one.


Despite the bad photo there's been some good suggestions, so things I'm going to fiddle with are:

-the child's dress, I think by broadening the midtones and highlights I can lift it a bit without affecting the overall colour. the midtones of the ivory trim need broadening as well, its too sharp a transition at the moment.

- jaakuna's hair, I like the grey but it is making the whole upper back section of the model dark. So I'll redo it as a mid grey, making the lower highlights into the midtone and going from there. Not too bright though, there'll be a rather bright pink/white flower there eventually! Or blue/white, but I think I prefer pink for it.

Those two should shift the look of the model without throwing off the match to the rest of the crew, then the bright flowers and chains on the corpses will bring up the brightness around the base and up the top of her head.

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

And the angle means you still can't see the blasted red eye! Bah, photos.

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Much better picture. I think you are on to a god solution with the tweaks you discuss. I particularly like the green dress idea. It should bring out the highlights without actually brightening your colors. As always, looking forward to more when you get more done.

I have to say, this thread is one of those that makes me go "Ooohh! It's been updated. What's he done now?" I'm always excited when I see a new posting.

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Yeah, turns out I hadn't reset my screen settings after a graphics driver update, and had totally forgotten to tweak a couple of settings on the camera! Between the two, I was not going to do well...

It's going to be interesting trying to match not only the colours but get the paint properties right, but yeah I'm hoping I can give the dress a bit more shape that way too so the deeper folds stand out but the softer waves in the fabric are less blatant. Some very careful fiddling to be done this week!

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I realise this is a bit of a tease since there's not actually any pictures yet, but I've finished messing with Jaakuna. She now has greyer, mankier looking hair, the childs dress has been adjusted, and the painting is basically finished (unless I decide to change anything at the end. Not unheard of...). Tonight she needs a coat of matt varnish, and then tomorrow I'll fill the base with resin. So pictures either tomorrow night or tuesday (yes, I have nothing better to do on christmas day than photograph my models!).

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