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Mako's Crew(s)


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Ehh...I don't really like him. Then again, it might be because of the missing hat. All Gremlins need hats. I think that (for me) the chin is a little too pointy, makes the head look like a really sharp triangle. The ears I think are too stubby, which also makes it look weird. Hope that helps...

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Yeah the long ears are better, but it's just not quite right is it. The fat ears were just a test to see if the head needed them as balance, but it didn't work, and then I thought they were a good metaphor for the afternoons hamfisted efforts!

I think I was trying to merge the sculpts of the lacroix gremlins, but actually they're all totally different face shapes and styles. So that was a stupid thing to do!

I'll rip it off and start again (and again and again until I get it right!) but use the movie as reference instead of the ophelia box set. That face type is so much more gremliny, and will be a better shape under the hat hopefully! And I can keep the long, sleek ears.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

Right, it's looking better already. Cheers for that guys, sometimes you just need someone to say 'what the hell are you doing, you tool' and point you in the right directions!

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Well, it's been redone and I'm much happier with it this time, I'll get some new shots up tomorrow. But it's a good demonstration of how badly things can go wrong and how useful having people to shout stop is!

Now that I stare at it some more, does anyone else think it looks a bit like a cardassian with a goatee?

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Alright then, a new gremlin head, this time hopefully not looking quite so rubbish!


His hat brim can't be neatened and thinned until after I bake it, it's just too floppy for now, so it's too thick and not fully smoothed yet. The ears could probably do with a final smooth too.

So, those things aside, do we think this is an improvement, or a mistake in an entirely new direction? *grin*

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Since you guys have all been so helpful in getting past the little block I had there, here's a quick update of the modified chin. It's to the point where i was concerned he might start to look very odd with it any shorter, but if people think that he could do with even less, feel free to say so!


Hopefully the change is visible, it certainly is in real life!

I think the biggest mistake was trying to copy the gremlins, when they do all have such different faces. Somer's are consistent, but ophelia's are all so different, I should have known better than to try and merge them all! Still, now I'm back on my own track it seems to be going much better. And the nudges are both useful and gratefully received!

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Woo, I love it when a plan comes together! Well, not so much a plan as a desperate attempt to come up with the right face structure for a gremlin. But my point remains!

Next baking session, he's going in. Then it's just the hands and arms, and a neatening of the hat, bad the first of Green Justice's minions will be ready to roll. Especially since by then I should have finished his troffin!

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Here's a little photo of Jakob Lynch, next to my latest wild project:


This one is going to be a massive task (obviously!), but it's also currently taking second place to finishing the gremlins and the marsupials. They'll get an update tomorrow, since I've been working on them over the weekend.

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Unfortunately, Jakob won't be getting any paint for a while yet. Him and the hungering darkness are the next ones in the queue now I've rearranged it, but since all my paints and brushes are still AWOL, I can't do a thing to them except prep work. So I'm cleaning them and smoothing the seams, and next time I'm down at the local store I might well pick up some black spray to prime with, but other than that I won't be painting for a while longer. Probably October time.

Until then, I shall keep sculpting. So here's a bit of a broad update of things. First up, the marsupial now has a leg and a blob (that will be a leg eventually), a hat at a jaunty angle, and no ears. They looked rubbish so I sliced them off and will redo them in those grooves on the hat. Oh, and kangaroo feet are a sod to sculpt by the way.


And then we have the gremlins, George has been getting a lot of picture time so today we have zippy, in need of a bake and a head (in that order), and bungle, who is in serious need of any effort I can be bothered to throw his way!



And while I was scratching my head over those three, I did a bit more woodwork:


A similar pose to the original model, but a little more natural as I don't have to sculpt him for metal casting. And his hand has gone from the I'm a little teapot position to resting on his jacket closures, or that's where it will be eventually anyway.

Hope there was something for everyone in that lot, eventually I'll be able to paint the debts crew, but not just yet. I have a plan ready though.

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