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Semi-finished Seamus and Copycat


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The bases aren't done, but the models themselves are painted. I REALLY like how his coat turned out and wanted to share. I have Sybelle and the Belles done as well, and while I'm ok with how they turned out I feel I could have done better with them. I plan to upload the pics to my finished thread later on this week, but it's zombie week (I have a lot of zombies to paint) so I'm going to focus on that and hopefully upload over the long weekend


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Thanks for the wonderful compliments! I had a hard time deciding what color scheme I wanted to go with, and have spent several hours over the past few weeks deciding what to give him. I am really satisfied with how he turned out. I'm pretty good at painting reds, having had plenty of practice with my Khador army for War Machine.

@Fetid Strumpet: Yes, I would love to try out a brawl! We just gotta find another Neverborn player to terrorize :D

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Great color scheme, any thoughts on how your going to do the cobble stone bases?

Usually I use a variety of colors, like a bit of orange, pink, yellow, brown, etc, on an undercoat of Charred Brown (I use Vallejo paints at the moment). When it's all done the base looks really out of place and waaaaay too colorful, which is when I use my Sepia Ink, which does a nice job of toning down the brightness/cartooniness and giving it a really nice look. I'll see if I can't get up some pics of my Belles to give you a better idea, or you can check out my The Hanged since I used the same tactic/technique there as well.

Of course, I"m also open to suggestions :D

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