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Stolen Malifaux - Hamelin crew in the making


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Hi all, I've just recently gotten my very first Malifaux crew, played quite a few games against the, so far only, local opponent and am enjoying the game tremendously.

I've been lurking the forums for a few days now, but I don't like writing introductory posts before I have anything to contribute, and thus I thought I might as well introduce myself by posting my first painted mini. Here it is:


I really enjoyed painting this lowly rat, so now I've started painting Hamelin himself. Expect to see him done soon.

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Welcome to Malifaux Stolen and these here forums!! your gonna love it here! I am glad to hear your enjoying the game and hope your gaming experience continues and grows!

and what a well painted rat you have there! only another dozen or so to go :-D ... I look forwards to seeing how Hamelin comes out...

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Ladies and Gentlemen, It's Hamelin the Plagued:


I wasn't planning on painting the glow from his staff around his hands, but when the rest of the model was done I did feel like he was missing something to link the blue eyes I'm giving the entire crew with the mysterious plague, so I did it anyways.

I hope you like it. So what will I paint next? a kid, Nix, or one of the many, many rats I need? I think I'll save Nix for later, so that leaves kids and rats, hmm...

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realy good job, cute rat, but i'm interesting about the shade of the stones (base); how did you do that? because i will paint my gravestones like this :)

Its P3 Ironhull Grey drybrushed with a mix of the same and Citadel Bleached Bone, with progressively more Bleached Bone until I thought it looked right. Then I just painted a sloppy amount of Citadel Gryphonne Sepia wash between the cobblestone, and that's it.

It all really just comes down to learning how to drybrush. ;)

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Its P3 Ironhull Grey drybrushed with a mix of the same and Citadel Bleached Bone, with progressively more Bleached Bone until I thought it looked right. Then I just painted a sloppy amount of Citadel Gryphonne Sepia wash between the cobblestone, and that's it.

It all really just comes down to learning how to drybrush. ;)

Thanks for instructions, i certainly must take advantage of this combination of colours :)

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  • 11 months later...

Wow... nearly a year since I painted Hamelin. I'd say its about time I finished the crew, so here it is:





I still need to paint eight more rats... but I consider the crew done for now, and I'm moving on the finish a Hoffman crew and some Vics.

I promise I won't wait a year before posting those. :Smug_Puppet1:

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