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First games with hoffman

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Two games today.

Ran at 30ss:

Hoffman 6ss cache





Mechanical attendant

First vs outcasts lead by viks and freikorps with two trappers. Lasted 4 turns before I got wiped out. Flamethrower dude put early wounds on Peacekeeper then trapper took him out in melee. Hoffman got isolated and von schiel took him down with two shots. Very hard to hide from the trappers so tried to be aggressive with the peacekeeprt pulling Hoffman along.

game two vs ramos list with steamborg and joss. Won it in effectively 5 turns peacekeeper amazing taking out steammborg and joss.

Things I strugled with is what possible use is the mechanical attendant and the hunter proved very fragile.

What else would people do with the mechanical attendant and what list would you take at 30ss.

Maybe drop mechanical attendant and hunter and take Ryle?

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I found the attendant/watcher usefull for giving Hoffman fast, best with the watcher as it is fast enough to still keep up.

Yep used the watcher a couple of times in the second game to give Hoffman fast.

Looking forward to taking Ryle as he think in conjunction with the watcher (models losing cover if the watcher is within 4") could be deadly. Add in machine puppet from Hoffman and that is a whole lot of firepower coming at you.

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I played my first game with hoffman last night. I lost horribly, but had a great time. Was a lot of fun. I made a lot of mistakes starting from crew selection and continuing until the end, but he was a lot of fun to play.

The peace keeper was the MVP, and my watcher was a close second. I was not a huge fan of the guardian because I always activated him later in the turns. I took a lawyer for fun and to give out hard-to-wound 2 to everyone. Taking a lawyer and a guardian was a mistake. Ryle was fun but he died quickly. He killed one model and took a lot of

hits from the Vics who were trying their hardest to whirlwind kill the peace keeper for "kill protoge".

I took a gamble in the third turn and used "drawn to metal" to bring Hoffman and the peace keeper into melee range of the remaining Victoria. She won initiative and killed both of them.

I like Hoffman a lot and hope to get better with him.

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I played my first game with hoffman last night. I lost horribly, but had a great time. Was a lot of fun. I made a lot of mistakes starting from crew selection and continuing until the end, but he was a lot of fun to play.

The peace keeper was the MVP, and my watcher was a close second. I was not a huge fan of the guardian because I always activated him later in the turns. I took a lawyer for fun and to give out hard-to-wound 2 to everyone. Taking a lawyer and a guardian was a mistake. Ryle was fun but he died quickly. He killed one model and took a lot of

hits from the Vics who were trying their hardest to whirlwind kill the peace keeper for "kill protoge".

I took a gamble in the third turn and used "drawn to metal" to bring Hoffman and the peace keeper into melee range of the remaining Victoria. She won initiative and killed both of them.

I like Hoffman a lot and hope to get better with him.

The Viks are doing well against Hoffman :congrats:

Interesting you took the lawyer as that is something I had thought about. Abit more detail about how the lawyer got on in your game would be insightful.

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I took the lawyer because I bot the Lucius set and hadn't used him yet. I wanted a living model to help move Ryle around, the Lawyer filled this role. I also thought that giving hard-to-wound 2 to constructs with armor would be fun, and it was; however, the Lawyer usually activated towards the end of my turn.

The guardian and the Lawyer both benefit from being able to go first. The sooner they go in a turn, the better their buffs are for your crew. I kept finding that the guardian and the lawyer were the last models I was activating. I will need to work on this more in the future. I can see a place for the guardian, but the lawyer is not as effective as I had hoped.

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See I have have thought of running Johan in a Hoffman crew as Hoffman is M&SU so hes cheap to hire and Johan is living (good for Ryle), still durable plus has a magic hammer with a good damage profile.

I see the Guardian as model taht you almost move early on in the turn then psuh further forward with Overprotective later that way hes not being left behind.

The watcher I beleive is fantastic at objective grabbing and providing some support plus machine puppeting the sky eye can be an option early game for some long range plinks.

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I was demo'ing a game fro a friend so he used my Hoffman (something I haven't got to do yet lol)

At 25ss he had the starter box and Ryle. And I have to say that Ryle we such a boost to the Hoffman starter. I have to agree with what some others say though the Watcher is fragile but what happend in the game was the Watcher was used to remove harmless off of Cassandra and then Ryle just gunned her down. The Hunter was used to hunt down the single Coyphee that was on the table. This locked it in combat and stopped it from doing its running attack it does. Later the Watcher was just sacrificed to repair the Guardian.

I love using Ryle in most of my Guild Crews now and I think he fits even better with Hoffman then others.

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I played a second game with Hoffman. It was a 20 point shared "destroy the evidence" against McMourning.

I took Hoffman, Ryle, a Peace Keeper, a Watcher, and 4 soul stones.

He took McMourning, Zombie Chihuahua, a necropunk, 2 or 3 dogs, a crooked man, and either mortimor or sebastion (whichever has the buzz saw).

I only lost the watcher and he lost everything but sebastion/mortimor. I lost the game but had a blast. Using Ryle and Peacekeeper in a 20 point game is fun.

I had taken grudge on the crooked man, Ryle shot into close combat to try and finish off McMourning. His first shot went into the Peace keeper and the second went into the crooked man. He killed the crooked man in one activation with his triggers, but it denied me VP because I didn't kill it in melee combat. 3 negative twists on the crooked man. I flipped three 9s in a row for 3 points of damage, and then a severe on the second flip for 4 more.

A reactivating Peace Keeper kept McMourning busy for 2 turns during which McMourning died, which denied my opponent VP's because he had taken body guard.

His last canine remains killed my watcher which was in contact with an evidence marker, turn 6 ended with me having a model on all three remaining markers. Flipped a 9, game over. Final score 0 to 4. I didn't get grudge or kill protoge, he got the Resurectionist one where you have more corpse counters than the enemy has models on the board, and 2 for destroying evidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shot with ryle! Last game I had with Ryle I was playing against Ressers, was at 3 :-fate. Flipped red joker + moderate/severe and double moderates for severe gatling ability... Needless to say Madame Sybelle became a fine red mist. Next turn I amazingly did the same thing against a belle! Needless to say my friend was less than enthused lol.

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So you found a use for the hunter then, eh? :)

Haha, I still swear by the Hunters. Just for the fact they can give out slow like no one's business if you get them in the right position. It is also a neat model to have Hoffman steal Arrest off of. With all the boosts the Hoff can make it a pretty vicious resist for your foe.

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I wrote this up for a friend who was asking for help , hope it can help .

Well Start Hoffman in base to base with the peacekeeper , everyone else close by . The Mech attendant although cool , has a hard time keeping up with Hoffman and the peacekeeper , the mobile tool kit has "always available " which puts him in base with Hoffman at all times . Usually UI start with the watcher and Cycle the top 2 cards , ( let me see where they start to move there crew ) than I send Ryle up to cover a nice 12 inch area ( also another activation which lets me see where things are going to go ) . by this time I have an idea where I will end up with Hoffman , so I activate the guardian 1 action to protect Hoffman , than send him a walk in the direction where Hoffman will most likely end up . Now I activate a second guardian ( the hunter although looks awesome and has some uses in a 35 ss game I would rather the second guardian every time ) He protects the peacekeeper than moves .

Than Hoff goes . Hoffman is a great gathering mission crew ( plant or destroy evidence , dynamite .... ) I send the peacekeeper dragging hoff and the tool kit around , dump a card to get free move , than move again , and has an action to interact with an objective . than I wait ( this is where hoff is most open But can usually handle 1 activation from the other side ) . Than hoffman if your lucky you can walk the tool kit over to another objective and interact , than Hoffman casts reactivate on the peacekeeper , than links in to have him go after Hoffman is done maybe give the toolkit slow and open circuit if needed or puppet the peacekeeper . Than the peace keeper goes able to move around 15 inches to grab more objectives and ending as close to the guardians as you can , end phase the guardians move 6 to Hoffman and your turn one is done .

So on turn one you moved around 30 inches with Hoffman grabbed at least 2 objectives and have all your bits close for protection . Turn 2 kinda goes the same I ignore the other crew and gather my objectives in the first 2 turns which gives me free reign for the rest of the game to stop them from doing what they have to do .

The key to Hoffman is to run around on the arachnid mover , but don't wonder to far from the guardians . Ryle the whole time is running interference and threatening with his long range . Ryle makes a nice turret for Hoffman , he shoots 3 times , than Hoffman can puppet him once , reactivate him for a total of 7 shots ! . I usually take body guard and stake claim . Ignore the other crew whole you do what you have to do than set up your open circuit , or peacekeeper assassination runs .

any questions please ask . hope this helps .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having only played one game with the Hoff so far Im not really in a position to offer advice. However I will say he plays so differently from any other master I have used. He is tied to his minions and becomes a sitting duck if isolated...no other master is so dependent on there crew for survival or to do damage. He will be a challenge to play with.

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