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Discovering the Evidence Modelling/Painting Contest

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Entry time!

The Witness. He must be silenced before he hoots what he knows!


The Body. Marcus doesn't understand "Bury" so well, so after an informative lesson from Myranda he's back to do it properly.


The Motive. Diamonds aren't worth much these days, but a bunch of them could get you a soulstone or two?


The Waystone. Left over from a Power Ritual, the least lazy ld Marcus could have done was cover it with a bush or something...


And the requisite "proof that I did it" pic!


Needless to say, this replaces my initial flower entry. :smugpuppet1

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Here's my entry. A Hamelin theme, with counters for each faction. I had to leave out my Gremlin moonshine counter.

The Guild Noticeboard

Proof of the Guild's determination to uphold Law and Order (and their next target).


Resurrectionists Grave

Just who is buried in this unnamed grave?

Neverborn Chest

You really don't want to open Pandora's Box.


Arcanist Spellbook

Proof of the Arcanists study of Guild and Resurrectionist magic .


And the four counters again...


And the proof...


Edited by Serigala
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When the young boy known as The Dreamer falls asleep, he fuels his dreams on the nightmares of others, twisting reality itself in Malifaux. Most of the time, there are plenty of victims around for The Dreamer to taunt and play "games" with, however, sometimes in his boredom for lack of other playmates, The Dreamer sets his mind on the very Nightmares that surround him!

Today is one such day, and The Dreamer has revealed evidence of a most sinister nature -- the darkest fears of the twisted minds of the Nightmares themselves. Now, the Nightmares must aid each other to DESTROY THE EVIDENCE!

Nytmare "Lord Chompy Bits" fears no foe, or wildly creature. His quest for endless life and ultimate power brought him to the Dreamer, an anonymous boy from the Earth side. Nytmare's fear is that someone will discover the boy's identity on Earth, beyond Lord Chompy Bits' reach. No sooner had he thunk the thought, when The Dreamer twisted a Malifaux lamp into a street sign from his home on Earth, complete with the rat the boy had seen that morning. Nytmare scowled at himself for fearing anything, and tore forwards to destroy this evidence before it could fall into enemy hands.


After toiling so hard to pull fear out of Lord Chompy bits, The Dreamer's thought turned inwards. Suddenly, he thought of his parents basement, and the menacing cellar door that gave off an eerie glow and strange sounds. The boy imagined a terrible vortex beyond the door, and no sooner did he shiver at the thought, then his worst fear from the Earth world became realized! The Dreamer commands his minions to destroy all traces of this abomination.


The Dreamer could not help but giggle at Coppelius, when he realized that his fear was simply revealing his stash of stolen eyeballs, "what a silly creature," he thought to himself, paying no attention to the clothing hung on the branch of the tree above. With a slurpy "HISSSS" Coppelius surged toward the evidence with maddened haste... "What has gotten into him!" Laughed the Dreamer.


Try as he might, the Dreamer could not get a single fear out of his friend Teddy! "This is no fun at all" frowned the boy. Then he got an idea, a wonderful, awful idea... In front of Teddy appeared a stuffed bear, smaller than himself but of some likeness. Without warning, the head of the newly created Teddy tore off, sending stuffing into the air. The arm of what looked like an enormous Chompy had torn off the head of the poor bear and was making unmentionable sounds in an effort to devour the Teddy from within. Needless to say, the Dreamer had created a terrifying notion for ol' Teddy, who set his mind on destroying the evidence that he ever feared anything at all, before others find out, possibly causing him to lose his ability to Terrorize others!


The Dreamer and his Nightmares must now work together to rid Malifaux of all evidence of their fears and deep dark secrets, before they are found and used against them.


((Proof Shot!))


Edited by CalmPlains
typos.. ick!
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Ok so the contest is now closed and thanks to all the entries...

Here they all are and I will have the Henchmen vote on them and we will have the winner announced in 5 days.

Here's all the entries together

Here we go:



They are: Blue prints with Leveticus's seal, a chest marked with an 'L', a gear with a bit of bloody fabric caught on it, and finally a prototype weapon complete with the arm bones of the unfortunate former QA.

And the proof is in the pudding... er, markers with site picture, rather.


Third try at typing this. So far i've clicked a bookmark twice while trying to go to the last tab!

A body. Notably a body missing a head and an arm. Thankfully covered by a dirty sheet to spare the innocents the sight.


Oh and there's the arm... missing it's fingers.


Some cigarette butts nearby the body.


And not too far away in some mud and rocks is the severed head and the fingers missing from the hand.


And proof that i did it.


So here's my entry....

Faction: Neverborn

Crime: Jogging without due care and attention.

Suspect: Lord Chomy Bits (Nightmare version)

Destroy the Evidence: Fill the hole and give body parts to the Black Blood Shaman

Photographic Evidence:


Faction: Outcast

Crime: Littering and Bad Spelling

Suspect: Killjoy

Destroy the Evidence: Wash the street and give arm back to Killjoy to finish as a snack

Photographic Evidence:


Faction: Resurrectionist

Crime: Graffiti

Suspect: Seamus

Destroy the Evidence: Straighten lid, wash additional comments off and walk away whistling nonchalantly

Photographic Evidence:


Faction: Arcanists

Crime: Performing illusions without a licence (or enough practice)

Suspect: One of Colette Du Bois' Performers (fingerprint verification pending)

Destroy the Evidence: Clean stage and box, give body to Marcus for the kitties and apply smelling salts to the relevant performer.

Photographic Evidence:


Finally the proof they are my own work wot I did:


Please note that there is no marker for the Guild as when I tried to create one I was told "there's nothing to see here sir, just move along now".

“Victoria, have you seen my other scabbard?” Victoria walked into the room and rummaged through the piles of junk on the floor. “We should really get this place cleaned up.”

Other Victoria was lounging in a chair, trying desperately to look innocent but failing miserably.

“Okay, what did you do?” Victoria asked suspiciously.

“Well, you know when you went out last week to get a contract and you said I couldn’t come?” Other Victoria said.

Victoria nodded. “Yes, well, if there’s two of us people tend to freak out and not pay us,” she replied, her face already flush with anger. “I also told you to stay in.”

“That’s not fair! You never let me live my own life!” Other Victoria exclaimed.

“Fine, just tell me what happened”

“Okay, so you know Fred, the bell boy from the train station?” Victoria made an oh-no-you-didn’t-face, but Other Victoria continued. “Well, he asked me out, and took me to the meadow beside the old print shop. He had a heart-shaped box of candy and flowers and a bottle of wine. You never told me wine tasted so good. It was all so romantic.”

“Please tell me that this is when he walked you home.” Victoria interrupted.

“I could, but I’m not a very good liar,” Other Victoria stated matter-of-factly. “I was feeling a little funny then, and one thing lead to another. We had a wonderful time, until we got interrupted by the guards. But we ran off into the slums and lost the guards, so you don’t have to worry about those,” Other Victoria stated with some measure of pride, like a puppy that just performed a trick it wasn’t asked to do and is now hoping for a treat. “But I did lose your scabbard. And my umbrella. And my knickers…”

“Oh, for God’s sake. We’re hard-ass mercenaries, you can’t imagine what this will do to our street cred!” Victoria cried out in desperation.

“Well, Fred did compliment me on my firm ass…” Other Victoria said.

*Click for larger image.*

Left to right: the umbrella, flowers and knickers, candy and wine, scabbard.



Well heres my entry

All on my laptop to prove I did them


One of Kirai's Spirits of Vengence decapitated another of Malifaux's citizens


McMourning better hide his latest experiments


Seamus and Molly are searching of rmore information about the Gorgon but left their book of notes behind


Good help can be hard to find, Mortimer normally buries everyone properly but even then sometimes they dont want to stay buried


Hi there!

I'm completely new to this forum, but not to the game.

This fun little competition was brought to my attention by my local Henchman, Headcase2 on the 7th of july.

Quite quickly, inspiration struck me, so now I'm proud to present :

Abuela Ortega's secret and easily relocatable garden of bliss

A mini-plantation of Mexican Shrooms


A mini-plantation of Peyote


A mini-plantation of San Pedro's


A big sack, full of ca$h




All of them posing in front of my PC Screen :


With Lord Shaper taking the time an effort i dug deep for a finish.. even revisited the other 3 markers for better effects. hope you like!!

A: a dropped sheathed blade from a Ronin

B: Unnatural frosting, thought to belong to Raspy

C: Retrieved stolen papa loco dynamite stick

X: Unnatural growth - a tree thought to have hung a hundred men was cutdown and tossed into the shallow creek.. It appears there is now something growing from below as though the tree was it's nutrients





Entry time!

The Witness. He must be silenced before he hoots what he knows!


The Body. Marcus doesn't understand "Bury" so well, so after an informative lesson from Myranda he's back to do it properly.


The Motive. Diamonds aren't worth much these days, but a bunch of them could get you a soulstone or two?


The Waystone. Left over from a Power Ritual, the least lazy ld Marcus could have done was cover it with a bush or something...


And the requisite "proof that I did it" pic!


Needless to say, this replaces my initial flower entry. :smugpuppet1

Here's my entry. A Hamelin theme, with counters for each faction. I had to leave out my Gremlin moonshine counter.

The Guild Noticeboard

Proof of the Guild's determination to uphold Law and Order (and their next target).


Resurrectionists Grave

Just who is buried in this unnamed grave?

Neverborn Chest

You really don't want to open Pandora's Box.


Arcanist Spellbook

Proof of the Arcanists study of Guild and Resurrectionist magic .


And the four counters again...


And the proof...


When the young boy known as The Dreamer falls asleep, he fuels his dreams on the nightmares of others, twisting reality itself in Malifaux. Most of the time, there are plenty of victims around for The Dreamer to taunt and play "games" with, however, sometimes in his boredom for lack of other playmates, The Dreamer sets his mind on the very Nightmares that surround him!

Today is one such day, and The Dreamer has revealed evidence of a most sinister nature -- the darkest fears of the twisted minds of the Nightmares themselves. Now, the Nightmares must aid each other to DESTROY THE EVIDENCE!

Nytmare "Lord Chompy Bits" fears no foe, or wildly creature. His quest for endless life and ultimate power brought him to the Dreamer, an anonymous boy from the Earth side. Nytmare's fear is that someone will discover the boy's identity on Earth, beyond Lord Chompy Bits' reach. No sooner had he thunk the thought, when The Dreamer twisted a Malifaux lamp into a street sign from his home on Earth, complete with the rat the boy had seen that morning. Nytmare scowled at himself for fearing anything, and tore forwards to destroy this evidence before it could fall into enemy hands.


After toiling so hard to pull fear out of Lord Chompy bits, The Dreamer's thought turned inwards. Suddenly, he thought of his parents basement, and the menacing cellar door that gave off an eerie glow and strange sounds. The boy imagined a terrible vortex beyond the door, and no sooner did he shiver at the thought, then his worst fear from the Earth world became realized! The Dreamer commands his minions to destroy all traces of this abomination.


The Dreamer could not help but giggle at Coppelius, when he realized that his fear was simply revealing his stash of stolen eyeballs, "what a silly creature," he thought to himself, paying no attention to the clothing hung on the branch of the tree above. With a slurpy "HISSSS" Coppelius surged toward the evidence with maddened haste... "What has gotten into him!" Laughed the Dreamer.


Try as he might, the Dreamer could not get a single fear out of his friend Teddy! "This is no fun at all" frowned the boy. Then he got an idea, a wonderful, awful idea... In front of Teddy appeared a stuffed bear, smaller than himself but of some likeness. Without warning, the head of the newly created Teddy tore off, sending stuffing into the air. The arm of what looked like an enormous Chompy had torn off the head of the poor bear and was making unmentionable sounds in an effort to devour the Teddy from within. Needless to say, the Dreamer had created a terrifying notion for ol' Teddy, who set his mind on destroying the evidence that he ever feared anything at all, before others find out, possibly causing him to lose his ability to Terrorize others!


The Dreamer and his Nightmares must now work together to rid Malifaux of all evidence of their fears and deep dark secrets, before they are found and used against them.


((Proof Shot!))


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10 Entries - that's a great effort by all!

I thought I was in with an outside chance, but I doubt I'm in the running after CalmPlain's incredible effort. Still, it was alot of fun and I'm glad I entered. Nothing like a competition to motivate yourself to paint something. :smugpuppet1

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Ok well it's time to announce the first and second place after the henchmen vote.

Coming in first is CalmPlains with his Neverborn markers which were honestly fantastic!

Coming Second was Zero!

Congratulations guys so can you PM me what your wanting for a prize!

Thanks to everyone for taking part

And here are the winners again.

When the young boy known as The Dreamer falls asleep, he fuels his dreams on the nightmares of others, twisting reality itself in Malifaux. Most of the time, there are plenty of victims around for The Dreamer to taunt and play "games" with, however, sometimes in his boredom for lack of other playmates, The Dreamer sets his mind on the very Nightmares that surround him!

Today is one such day, and The Dreamer has revealed evidence of a most sinister nature -- the darkest fears of the twisted minds of the Nightmares themselves. Now, the Nightmares must aid each other to DESTROY THE EVIDENCE!

Nytmare "Lord Chompy Bits" fears no foe, or wildly creature. His quest for endless life and ultimate power brought him to the Dreamer, an anonymous boy from the Earth side. Nytmare's fear is that someone will discover the boy's identity on Earth, beyond Lord Chompy Bits' reach. No sooner had he thunk the thought, when The Dreamer twisted a Malifaux lamp into a street sign from his home on Earth, complete with the rat the boy had seen that morning. Nytmare scowled at himself for fearing anything, and tore forwards to destroy this evidence before it could fall into enemy hands.


After toiling so hard to pull fear out of Lord Chompy bits, The Dreamer's thought turned inwards. Suddenly, he thought of his parents basement, and the menacing cellar door that gave off an eerie glow and strange sounds. The boy imagined a terrible vortex beyond the door, and no sooner did he shiver at the thought, then his worst fear from the Earth world became realized! The Dreamer commands his minions to destroy all traces of this abomination.


The Dreamer could not help but giggle at Coppelius, when he realized that his fear was simply revealing his stash of stolen eyeballs, "what a silly creature," he thought to himself, paying no attention to the clothing hung on the branch of the tree above. With a slurpy "HISSSS" Coppelius surged toward the evidence with maddened haste... "What has gotten into him!" Laughed the Dreamer.


Try as he might, the Dreamer could not get a single fear out of his friend Teddy! "This is no fun at all" frowned the boy. Then he got an idea, a wonderful, awful idea... In front of Teddy appeared a stuffed bear, smaller than himself but of some likeness. Without warning, the head of the newly created Teddy tore off, sending stuffing into the air. The arm of what looked like an enormous Chompy had torn off the head of the poor bear and was making unmentionable sounds in an effort to devour the Teddy from within. Needless to say, the Dreamer had created a terrifying notion for ol' Teddy, who set his mind on destroying the evidence that he ever feared anything at all, before others find out, possibly causing him to lose his ability to Terrorize others!


The Dreamer and his Nightmares must now work together to rid Malifaux of all evidence of their fears and deep dark secrets, before they are found and used against them.


((Proof Shot!))


With Lord Shaper taking the time an effort i dug deep for a finish.. even revisited the other 3 markers for better effects. hope you like!!

A: a dropped sheathed blade from a Ronin

B: Unnatural frosting, thought to belong to Raspy

C: Retrieved stolen papa loco dynamite stick

X: Unnatural growth - a tree thought to have hung a hundred men was cutdown and tossed into the shallow creek.. It appears there is now something growing from below as though the tree was it's nutrients





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A supply wagon could be fun to do. Definitely better than making 5 crates of dynamite and slightly more inspirational than a 30 mm treasure counter. Claim markers are good too; we held a claims marker competition over here and got some fantastic entries.


30mm Claim marker - lots of fun themed ways to stake a claim.

50mm Wagon base - I can see these getting totally epic!

30mm Treasure marker- the Description says "an valuable artifact" which can be taken many ways, since value is a matter of opinion. This could be great fun.

OR, you could make it a competition for a combination of 2 or even all 3!

Other suggestions: Have people submit theirs anonymously to you via PM, and release all of the entries to the public at the end of the competition :) Also, you could get more traffic and participation if you held it in the competitions section! Hope this helps.

Edited by CalmPlains
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hey thanks all and Shaper for running this... cannot believe i won something! there were all great entries but the dreamer was easily above and beyond

not that it impacts what you chose next but i have already done a supply wagon, but hardly inspirational, maybe worth revisiting...

im about 25% of the way through my dynamite counters

maybe special terrain could be cool?

i.e. make your favourite piece of special terrain?

soulstone vein or hanging tree or similar'

or how about make your favourite marker. could be shafter could be burning could be pillars, etc.. just throwing ideas out there

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