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Mcmourning or victoria's convince me why Mcmourning?


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I've only ever played McMourning in the off and on year that I've played. I can't say much about other crews in this case. However he is a lot of fun and has some flexibility with Monstrous Creation, as well as some fun triggers and other side abilities. I haven't gotten bored with him yet and it doesn't look like I will, and the off time from Malifaux I had was because hardly anyone was playing it and I got busy with some classes.

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McMournig is great fun, you can carve up your own minions, summon monsters, have some interesting movement abilities plus you hit like an absolute truck as well.

He will most likely be the more expensive buy in due to summoned models and liking cheap minions as well but I have yet to play a gme with him where I havent been smiling and laughing all game (and most of the time my opponent as well) he is just incredible fun.

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