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Tournament Crew Pictures - Pic Heavy


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As part of 2 recent tournaments I brought out my lightbox and took some pictures of the painted crews that were playing. In addition to that, I offered the opportunity for other crews and models to be set-up for pictures.

I also receive fairly regular questions about the boards our crew plays on. I have posted a selection of these boards as well. For the savvy among you, you may notice these are the same boards (or close to) that show up at the NOVA Open this year!

So lets get underway. Starting with some of the boards:

Warmachine Tavern Homage


Logging Town


Ruins Board


Graveyard/Monument Board


And now lets take a look at the crews:

Mike (Wrabbit) - winner of the Single Elimination Competitive Primer


John - final round opponent in the Single Elimination


A closer look at John's Peacekeeper


eChris (for those who listen to Gamers Lounge) - Not the crew he played but one of his painted crews


Close up of his Austringer



Selection of crews from the 25SS tournament

First we have Lady J and crew, played by one of our new players (Chuck)


Gamers Lounge Co-Host Jay's Vicktoria crew


Henchman Libiss Guild crew


Henchman Libiss Freikorp Trappers



and finally three pictures of some cool in-game scenes during play:




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Unpainted Seamus! Otherwise, that Hoffman crew looks freaking amazing, I'd give it a rap on the knuckles for bringing Nino, but since it was a "hardcore" game I'll leave it be. This only reinforces my drive to finish my 3' x 3' M&SU city block for local tournaments that might happen around about my parts.

Congrats to the winner and congrats to you for running what appears to have been a great time.

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Otherwise, that Hoffman crew looks freaking amazing, I'd give it a rap on the knuckles for bringing Nino, but since it was a "hardcore" game I'll leave it be.

Funny enough, Hoff had a great showing for the first 2 "Hard Core" games, then tagged in Sonnia Criid for the finals. Sonnia faced off vs Pandora and a double dose of Twins.

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