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My "Limited" Purchases

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So I kind of went on a little spending spree, that started when I found the Auscon Steampunk Dorothy on CMON. I started looking at other LE models and well.. here's the list.. for now:

  • Auscon Steampunk Dorothy - Always loved Steampunk, but beyond Wyrd I have no proper steampunk minis, she's perfect. She may join my future Hoffman crew (Hans?)
  • Necromancer (Bobby Jackson sculpt) - I love necromancers and this one is so original and characterful. I think I may convert it - if I dare - and use it as an alternative Leveticus/McMourning.
  • Girl in Bunny Suit - Not my usual kind of purchase, but I had a great idea for a cool diorama.
  • Monkey with Flamer - depending on scale he may join Bunny Girl in my diorama.
  • Grace is Gone - Didn't like this 1st time I saw it, but its subtlety has grown on me and it's really cool. Going to paint it on a scenic base, possibly as a competition piece. EricJ's Female Cyborg Warrior will likely be one of my influences.
  • Studio McVey Isabella - Love this model a lot, easy choice for me.
  • Studio McVey Ar-Fiach - Another beautiful mini, love the contrast of steampunk with fantasy - gun/coat with face/hair - though I've never been a fan of "impractical" basing i.e. chimneys, so I may change that.
  • Studio McVey Ruby - Yes I finally caved in, just too good to resist, though I want to paint her like no one else has...

So that's it, 8 models for over £100. It'll sting, but hopefully when I get them in hand I won't regret it. At least they'll increase in value.

I think I'll try and actually get some models - Ortegas, Seamus, etc - finished (started) before I purchase my Hoffman, Som'er, Kirai, Colette and Collodi crews - still got LCBNE and Miss Pack to do. Then there's bloody Gencon. Argh! :D

Of course feel free to post up any minis that may interest either myself or the wider community. I look forward to sharing these in the (probably far) future =]

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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I just have to pray there will be 1 left next week. I have a use for her in my Showgirls as well. I knew I shouldn't have ordered those comics off Ebay last week, gaming is more important! Then again, I wasn't expecting the phone bill this week, I was thinking it would be next week.

In the words of Mojo Jojo, curses!

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I will likely use her as a substitute for Colette herself as it's such a magnificent model. Colette's model can become a Performer since I have a few models usable as extra Mannequins if necessary. Unless that is the Steamstress that Tuesday drew (I think it was Tuesday, I'm bad with names) does end up being official. Who wouldn't want her in their crew? Such a brilliant idea.

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@LonelyPath: I chose priorty post - so I could track the order - and that cost $25 to deliver to the UK (Scotland). I think normal was $9, but no tracking. You can get a quote from the website before purchasing.

Also, I bought the Studio McVey stuff from their website, so I should get those sooner.

I'll probably start saving for Gencon now, limited edition models are always a priority. Can't wait.

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Oops, I am forever missing packages myself and having to go down to the post office to collect things. I did check Studio McVey and there is a considerable price difference, so I'll be getting a few models from there in the coming weeks. Well, if I can hold off on buying more scenery that is, as I need more for my Malifaux games.

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Sadly it was the carry case. What I don't understand was why it was contained in a massive cardboard box, that's a box - with a handle - inside a bigger box - without a handle. Also the only way I could hold it was to keep it close to my chest making me look very protective and provoking a fair amount of curious glances..

Should have the models within a week though.

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Sadly it was the carry case. What I don't understand was why it was contained in a massive cardboard box, that's a box - with a handle - inside a bigger box - without a handle. Also the only way I could hold it was to keep it close to my chest making me look very protective and provoking a fair amount of curious glances..

Should have the models within a week though.

Hahahaha... You just reminded me of some orders I've made over the years with X-tra-X in Germany. I ordered a shirt with them once and it arrived in a sealed bag inside a matt black bag inside a box big enough to fit 2 GW army figure cases! All that for 1 shirt. When I ordered some boots they just came in the manufacturers packaging, but they'd been dispatched from X-tra-X... I found that one weird since I was needing a huge box at that point.

Well, I hope your models reach you soon, my Dorothy was dispatched yesterday so I am waiting impatiently for her to arrive.

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Soda Pop has a extraordinary range of models, I like much of what they produce and have bought a few. I'm also terrified of taking a brush to them in case I mess them up. I really want a Ayu Beat though, fantastic model and very suitable as a Mannequin with a twist ;)

I hadn't thought of that but I can see it now you mention it. She's the only one I've bought but I agree that a lot of them are stunning.

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Well, I ordered Ayu Beat (2 copies) earlier this week and they arrived yesterday and today my Steampunk Dorothy arrived in the post. Ayu's gonna be a pain to get done as she's to darn tiny and Dorothy is just plain gorgeous from head to toe. no flash, very little trimming to be done. It's gonna be a dream to work on her as all the details are so crisp and clear. I really wish I'd bought 2 now, lol!

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Well, I ordered Ayu Beat (2 copies) earlier this week and they arrived yesterday and today my Steampunk Dorothy arrived in the post. Ayu's gonna be a pain to get done as she's to darn tiny and Dorothy is just plain gorgeous from head to toe. no flash, very little trimming to be done. It's gonna be a dream to work on her as all the details are so crisp and clear. I really wish I'd bought 2 now, lol!

Lucky you...I ordered my Dorothy like...2 weeks ago, and I still don't have her...meh.

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