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New to and in love with Lady Justice


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Hello everyone. SOOOO after picking the wrong starter box which I hated (Marcus) and then thinking of the box I thought I would want (Perdita), I ended up with the Lady Justice box.

So far all I have is her box. My g/f says to get her totem (Scales of Justice) and The Executioner. I really like her crew right out of the box. I want to expand the crew but not go crazy on getting models.

What are your suggestions as to my next purchases?

Hints, Tips, and Tricks from you as players other than from the Wiki since my g/f did the research for me already.

Also, I have the Marcus box with a Jackalope and a Shakome built and primed black with the arcanist fate deck and some arcanist laminated tokens my g/f gave me. If anyone is interested in it, please let me know.



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I haven't seen the scales used with any great success in my area. So if you are a competitive player at heart I don't think you'll find them too useful. I'd advise instead to go for the Governor's Proxy for those times when you need a totem. He has better abilities, better spells, and critically a higher casting Value, so you'll need less of the big cards you'd most likely want to save for some other use.

However if you are more of a casual or story driven player definitely get the scales, I think the model has way more style than the Proxy.

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Welcome to the Guild brother!!

Almost all the guild units fit in seemlessly with Lady J and it's more about how you play that will determine what you find most usefull. I tend to play aggresively and shove Lady J forward while using the rest of the crew to achieve the objectives.

On the totems, I find the Scales exceedingly worth while. You get balance letting you cycle a low card out of your hand, and tip giving a friendly model a :+fate on the next duel makes it a must have 99% of the time for me and locally most other Lady J players agree. The Executioner is a good choice starting out although I find it a bit pricey in low SS games as he will be a bullet magnet.

My usual recomendations for additions to use with Lady Jay are: some Stalkers and Samael Jackson( I highly recomend the whole Sonnia box just for those 4 models), the Austringers, the long ranged Ortega(I can't keep them straight) is good, and the previously mentioned Executioner. I myself have and use all but the Ortega kid regularly to great effect. I'll be testing the Guardian and Watcher in the next few weeks and have a feeling they will become part of my regular rotation.

I'm not really one for giving specific playing tips since I don't really think about how I play much. A top general tip I can give is always remember your objectives, killing things is secondary to the stategy and schemes and if you lose sight of those you will lose the game.

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Like the general consensus I'd also reccomend Nino Ortega and the Austringers. From their stats I'd reccomend the Stalkers, will be buying Sonnia's boxset at my lgs today to test them out, their high CB of 6 plus inspiring swordsplay seems too fun, then the explosion when they go pop is just the icing on the cake, as long as they are not amidst your crew. I find Guild Guard very useful, cordon can be very very helpful in directing your enemy where you want them.

Edited by Bucket Monkey
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Also with the spell that the regular Death Marshalls get that affects all "death marshalls" in range just remember that that also means Lady Justice and the Judge. I went quite awhile before realizing that at the top of their cards they were DMs too! Glad your enjoy Lady J since she is also my favorite.

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