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arcanist niche


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hi, all of the groups have a niche, but at the same time if you have all the masters in any group you can fill any role, so what is the arcanist niche, i feall its versitility, but as i say, you get all of any groups masters and your very versitial. my thoughts are

guild: straight up damage

rezzers: tough


outcasts: "special" (all have some very special rule)

arcanist: ?

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The Arcanists are all different. The are a conglomeration of different styles. You have summoning, spell slinging, melee, and speed. Plus all casting is 7 or better in the masters. I think the one trait is Versatile because everything can do multiple tasks.

Colette Speed, Survivabilty and tricksy.

Ramos Summoner, spell slinger

Raspy Spell Slinger, Board Control

Marcus Melee, Buffer, De-buffer, speed

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The Arcanists are all different. The are a conglomeration of different styles. You have summoning, spell slinging, melee, and speed. Plus all casting is 7 or better in the masters. I think the one trait is Versatile because everything can do multiple tasks.

Colette Speed, Survivabilty and tricksy.

Ramos Summoner, spell slinger

Raspy Spell Slinger, Board Control

Marcus Melee, Buffer, De-buffer, speed

True but I do find their weaknesses a little stronger than others. Rasputinas & Ramos Speed I find is their weakness, which is easier for an opponent to take advantage of. Ramos has good spells but his reliance on :tomes is too much. While Colettes crew is hard to hit but fragile and point for point less damage dealing that other average crews, needs to use a relatively limited resource as ammo. Without the Duet I find they are don't hold their own. Marcus is the only archanist master I don't play, but I heard he is not that strong, but he can diversify by taking other beasts. I started picking up different merc to try and help them but found I started moving completely to outcasts. I think these weaknesses have been seen and wyrd started to give the archanist things to make up for it (snowstorm, mobile toolkit, MSU assets have 5 SPD, soulstone miner).

Currently the premier piece the arcnaists have is the duet which everyone agrees is probably the strongest non-master there is. Because it does not need master support and can go solo untouchable doing hit and run tactics. its also has all the traits that 2 masters (Colette & Ramos) can use, while Rasputinas only really benefits from frozen heart which she can give out. The only one who does want it is Marcus.

Currently the archanist are underwhelming, but once the MSU assets come out I think they will begin to really shine and be on par with the other factions.

Edited by CannonFodder
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I don't think they below par. They are highly specialized crews. Beat way to categorize them is specialized casters. Big weakness yes, so many may struggle in certain strategies making them less ideal ss a fixed list, not impossible, just more finesse to play.

Raspy insane aoe damage.

Collette speed

Ramos, summon and tough.. armor.

Marcus board control.

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The way I see it, with the Guild, you can pick just about any Master, and you can usually do well with any of the Strategies. Neverborn are much the same.

Arcanists are not like that at all. If you get Destroy the Evidence, you had better not pick Rasputina. Now, with the release of SnowStorm in July, this will be better, but for now, Colette is a WAY better choice for that particular Strategy. Just like if you get Slaughter, Rasputina is a WAY better choice than Colette.

So, I don't think it's so much versatility, even though most of the Arcanist masters are pretty decent at various things. I think it's more like "the right man, for the right job".

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yh but othere peaple do all that better

sonia: better aoe

Raspy has better damage spread, longer range 22" 3times, lower ss usage, and overpower. I play both Raspy is far better, Sonia has slightly higher ca and, can spread blasts further, I will take overpower over that any day.

any neverborn: faster and more reliably so

faster with more AP, true Pandy has the potential to be the fastest master, with incite, and Lilith has great movement shennigans. Lilitu can't spread them too thin to use her tricks. Collette can interpose her crew almost anywhere and let them use their AP. This can be done for more than one model per turn. Lilith can only do this for one model, so those oh so important interacts, Collette's crew can do faster.

any rezzer: better summons and tougher

Valid point on summon, there is a big difference in what they summon. Tougher, is questionable it is all on how you view hard to wound and armor, it is far easier to bypass hard to wound than armor though.

some neverborn: have more bord control than marcus

Not to familiar with Marcus but I do play neverborn, they are a little more of a glass cannon. Marcus group doesn't seem to be as much giving them more time on the board, this one is more of a mild observation.

Lobo said it better they are more specialized to completing certain tasks. Taskmasters might be a better one word category.

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ill acept you first point about tina and sonia.

but on the movment front collodi can do 42 inches in a turn. lcb about 24 and zoraider can fly 20, and all of that can be done fairly easy wear as collet needs triggers and the like.

The toughnes one again is 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other,

And marcus is very much a glass canon, ask anyone who uses a cat and they all say it can kill one thing for sure, but will then get slaughterd, like marcus himself he has to hit and run, or be very very lucky

this is the problem im finding with the arcanists if you have only 1 master to use, your done for unless you want to compleatly ignor the masters theme and synergys and then your risking it, but in the other groups if you have one you are competant at anything and maintain a good amount of theme and synergy. i now have three and im going to be getting the 4th because i got ramos to start with and my first two games i got recointer and turf war and was like ah well ill jus try and kill them of then shall i

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I don't know if tough is the right word for the Ressers

Most of our dudes are Hard to Wound...but if your minimum damage is say...4 or higher...then it doesn't matter how many extra cards you flip, we're still gonna feel it.

Also...you have a pretty good chance of hitting a Joker with all those cards.

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I find that the Arcanists have more 'style' when it comes to their game play. I currently own Colette and Rasputina and play against marcus at least once a week. They are great at what they do even their minions play a bigger role than normal. When I run Colette its not rare for me to pass on the Duet even at 35SS, they DEFINITELY are amazing but it seems a little unfair to me...Back to my first thought. Arcanists play a certain way and have a million and one ways to make sure they get to do it. Example, in one activation with Rasputina I once killed Abuela Ortega, Francisco and Sonnia Cridd, and once with Colette I had destroyed 2 of 3 pieces of evidence by turn 3.

As a side note, Collodi may be able to move that far but almost nobody can take out a master as easily as Colette can.

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