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Infinity morats


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Hey all, I haven't had a chance to post in a while. Thought i would show off this commission i have been working on. They are the Morat troopers and the MOrat witch that are found in the Combined army starter box. I still have a couple more to do for my client but he is very happy with them so far.



peace out,


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Bah, you just reminded me how many Infinity models I still have to paint, lol. It feels like a chore, my painting has come a long long way in the past year, but I feel like Infinity models are SO detailed that painting them becomes tedious at times.

Even though Malifaux is more detailed than say...many 40k models, I just feel some wierd compulsive urge to paint them...don't get that way with my Infinity figs, don't know why.

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I love infinity as a game, and the models are generally gorgeous but the studio paint jobs are done so well that I know even my aspirations as a painter fall short. I always feel insufficient to the task of painting them, leaving me discouraged even when the job is completed <shrug>.

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I love infinity as a game, and the models are generally gorgeous but the studio paint jobs are done so well that I know even my aspirations as a painter fall short. I always feel insufficient to the task of painting them, leaving me discouraged even when the job is completed <shrug>.

If this is the case it is usually a good idea to pick a whole new color scheme for you to work with. Pick colors you know and are good at painting ( for me it is Red and green). Then when things are done there is nothing to compare it against. That way you don't get discouraged and still paint things. While i was doing these i was trying to follow the studio color scheme and i found that there some lighting effects on the models that did not make sense and were probbably messed with. models always look different in photos than they do in real life.

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