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Scarborough Guild

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Have been collecting Lady J and a few diferent guild models to use with her.

I decided that the first model to get my paint on would be the executioner. I love this model and decided to give him a well used look rather than bright shiney colours.

Here are some pics. he is mostly done with a few bits of highlighting left to do. the tie in colour scheme for the guild will be a very drk blue with cherry piping/additional colour.




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Not too happy with the tat jester, I supose a combination of large brush and bad light didn't help but I think it gives him a bit more of the DIY/mate did it type tatooing you can often see on some rough looking types (no offence to anyone, I have a large back piece done at a party).

next on the table are Lady J and the Captain. hoping to get them done tonight ready for a game at G3 on tue eve.

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Really nice paint job. Not to sure about the position of the left arm though, it looks like it's not joined properly, but maybe that's just me. The death mask (I thought of Spawn also) looks effective, but think the tattoo could do with a little clean up. Still a very nice addition however ;)

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I never thought of spawn but now you mention it......

Yes the arm did drop before the glue set and will need a bit of work to fill the gap. I'll do this when a make a belt tassle to cover the gap in the piping at the back. I wanted to try something other than just putting in a fill for the small gap that will add something a bit out of the norm.

I am going to leave the tat for now and put it on my list of things to go back to when the rest of the crew is upto a table top standard.



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Yes the arm did drop before the glue set and will need a bit of work to fill the gap. I'll do this when a make a belt tassle to cover the gap in the piping at the back. I wanted to try something other than just putting in a fill for the small gap that will add something a bit out of the norm.

I am going to leave the tat for now and put it on my list of things to go back to when the rest of the crew is upto a table top standard.



Sorry to hear that the arm did drop a bit. I managed to pin mine and it was a bit of a pest to do because of the angle of the join. If you have the patience though it is worth doing it.

After my last post I looked at the model again and thought that maybe the tattoo could be something that's just been painted on to his stomach to trike fear into his victims. He's a pretty fearsome bloke and striking a little more fear into those he's after can't go wrong :)

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I tried not doing any pinning on these models (I usually do) as I was trying out some new 2 part epoxy resin which sets solid very quickly. I had moved on to another model and did not notice the weight of the claw had just opend the joint slightly before it fully cured. You can only notice it from a few angles but I know its there so will need to go back later.

Last night I got the base colours on Lady J and the Captain and started to work on Lady J's lovely locks. I'll get some snaps up when they are ready.

cheers, Dave.

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Have got some more paint onto a few models and will try to get some pictures when i am at home this weekend.

(I didn't get home last weekend as I was at the WHFB doubles at Nottingham, finished 12th out of 107 and got a painting nomination - nice)

I have also picked up the Sonia box (whoohoo it had a lovely looking nurse in there, thanks Wyrd) so this gives me 2 masters and 1 henchman for the crew.


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