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Welcome to Nowhere! - A tale of three gamers


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Hey there!

For years, I've been searching for a game that would pick my girlfriend's interest. She didn't really care about WHFB/40k/Necromunda/Mordheim. A few months ago I showed her some pictures of Wyrd's miniatures, and she kinda "fell in love" with that steampunk/victorian/horror/western/fantasy theme. It didn't take long for us to order some starter boxes, and I managed to talk a friend into ordering one too! So, it will be a "tale of three gamers" kind of log - although I'll be the only one who'll post our progress.

So, let's see some pics!

Gremlins (my gf's crew) - assembled, based, undercoated


There are close-up shots of each member, just ask if you wish to see them.

Death Marshals (my friend's crew) - assembled, based, undercoated


Bases were made by me, and there's a chance that I'll be painting them for him. He doesn't really like to paint, he's more into gaming.

Showgirls (my crew) - assembled, based, undercoated, some painted


During the summer, I plan to make a display base for them, and in December, I'd like to take them to the local Games Day.

Close-ups of the painted Performer (I've painted the base since then):



I'm also done with the other Performer and Cassandra, I might have some photos soon.

That's it for now.

See ya!

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I managed to finish 2 terrain pieces yesterday, a Hanging Tree and a scrap pile, pics coming tomorrow.

Also, done with some bases.

AND hopefully I'll get my Mechanical Doves and the Freikorps starter + Hamelin (minion version) today or on Monday.

I'll be doing some sewer bases for the mercenaries, will have some photos of the test base too.

Oh, and I had a few games during the past weeks...the Colette crew is kinda awesome. Playing with them is soooo fun!

See ya!

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Thanks everyone!

I plan to get these girls painted soon, I still have to do some finishing touches on the "ready" ones, to make them a bit more painting competition-worthy.

About the gremlins: yeah, those bases are real cool, my gf makes waaaay better ones than I do :D I don't know when will she paint them, 'cause she'll start a Raspy crew when we finally get our order (nah, it didn't arrive yesterday)

On to the promised things!

The two terrain features aren't exactly the size that's written in the rulebook, but we'll only use them in friendly games, and the 'rule of cool' is more important there for us.

Now, on to photos:

Scrap pile:



Hanging Tree:




Bases (can you guess what models will go on them? ;) )


And the test base for the Freikorps:


That's all for now, see ya!

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Yeah, we COULD have some accidents with that tree. :) AND it would be pretty hard to transport that thing, 'cause some of the branches break easily :( But most times we play at our place, so that won't really be an issue.

A small update: I've done the "skin" on the mannequins and the coryphée duet, after getting an "OK but I don't really like it" result on the mannequins with the wood look, I've gone for brass "skin" on the coryphées. They look pretty cool! I might have some photos of them later today.

Edited by nightseer
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Really looking forward to brass coryphees! Please will you also explain how you've done your brass...am on attempt number four with my brass recipe and getting nowhere fast.

The Freikorps base looks good, and I love the girls earlier in the thread, really good job on them.

Edited by quasihayley
spelling fail
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Really looking forward to brass coryphees! Please will you also explain how you've done your brass...am on attempt number four with my brass recipe and getting nowhere fast.

The brass is pretty easy. I use GW and Vallejo paints for it, and I'll make a small tutorial soon ('coz I finally have my mechanical doves, and they have large metal surfaces)

Until then:

1. depending on the basecoat:

- black basecoat: heavy drybrush of VGC Brassy Brass

- white basecoat: paint the entire metal surface with Brassy Brass

2. wash with GW Devlan Mud

3. heavy drybrush of VGC Bright Bronze

4. light drybrush/outline the edges with GW Shining Gold

5. wash it with a "verdigris wash", I made it with VGC Verdigris Glaze, VGC Falcon Turquoise, a little bit of VGC Livery Green and a LOT of water. That gives it a nice, worn look. And, you can control the extent of corrosion very well with changing the amount of the wash.

That's it. Will do that tutorial with pictures in a few days.

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Those bases are great (Gremlins by any chance on some of those?). The sewer one blew me away, as did the scrap pile (I still need to make some proper markers) and hanging tree (I need to make one of them too, but i might cheat and base on off one of the citadel trees if i find one cheap enough). Your work really is excellent and keeps putting mine to shame.

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Those bases are great (Gremlins by any chance on some of those?). The sewer one blew me away, as did the scrap pile (I still need to make some proper markers) and hanging tree (I need to make one of them too, but i might cheat and base on off one of the citadel trees if i find one cheap enough). Your work really is excellent and keeps putting mine to shame.

Thanks again! :)

Nah, there won't be new gremlins for a time, my gf has started Raspy (in fact, she's assembling that crew right now), so you have to wait a bit for more gremlin goodness :)

I hope all sewer bases will be this good (alright, I'd like them to be even better - the Librarian's base will be real unique)!

About the hanging tree: take a walk in a park/forest near you, or in your garden if you have one, and look for the roots of different bushes, that's how I've found the material for mine. It's the cheapest solution, and they look AWESOME!

Now, the promised photos (a tad dark, I mostly fail at taking photos - that's my gf's work, but in return she makes me pin all her models 'cause she's afraid that she'll drill through their legs ;) )



And the Coryphées - that's how my brass method looks:



Right now all the Freikorps and my friend's Sonnia starter are assembled and pinned, now on to making some bases! (and, pinning Hamelin - I don't really want to do that, he has sooooo frail legs)

See ya!

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Aha, so the bases are for the Coryphee, those are even better than gremlins (I'm a sucker for showgirls). very nice brass technique, I can never seem to get it right when I have a go.

Hanging Trees can be really cheap like you say, I'm just lazy and prefer to have a model that's in the right shape to stick things on without having to go foraging. Sometimes, it feels like I have more interaction with Ebay than the human race, hahaha.

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The brass is pretty easy. I use GW and Vallejo paints for it, and I'll make a small tutorial soon ('coz I finally have my mechanical doves, and they have large metal surfaces)

Until then:

1. depending on the basecoat:

- black basecoat: heavy drybrush of VGC Brassy Brass

- white basecoat: paint the entire metal surface with Brassy Brass

2. wash with GW Devlan Mud

3. heavy drybrush of VGC Bright Bronze

4. light drybrush/outline the edges with GW Shining Gold

5. wash it with a "verdigris wash", I made it with VGC Verdigris Glaze, VGC Falcon Turquoise, a little bit of VGC Livery Green and a LOT of water. That gives it a nice, worn look. And, you can control the extent of corrosion very well with changing the amount of the wash.

That's it. Will do that tutorial with pictures in a few days.

Thank you! Your coryphee look great.

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Aha, so the bases are for the Coryphee, those are even better than gremlins (I'm a sucker for showgirls). very nice brass technique, I can never seem to get it right when I have a go.

That's kinda the same for me, I started this game because of the Showgirls :)

And try my technique on the brass, it's easy and quick, and looks pretty good.

Thank you! Your coryphee look great.

You're welcome! I'll undercoat the doves today, and hopefully I can do the tutorial with pictures tomorrow.

And a quick update, the Witch Hunters crew is based, and ready for undercoating. I continued the graveyard theme of the Death Marshals with them, because my friend will field a mixed crew of those two.



Sonnia's base came out pretty well, imho.

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