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Collodi musings


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Hey im pretty new to the game and have the dreamer and kirai, but im thinking about getting collodi and doing some stuff with him, as some of the models can be used for both.

First list is collodi only:


4x Marionettes

3x Wicked Dolls

2x Stitched Together

30ss with 8 Cache

Would look at getting a Voodoo doll to throw in as an alternative Wicked Doll model. So far these are the only dolls that can be used for him I think?

Here's what i have in mind for using him with a master:



2x Stitched Together

2x Insidious Madness

2x Marionette


Ive seen some people thinking of using Zoraida with him, but the +2 willpower to dolls with fast Stitched together causing 4 willpower duels a turn with the madness's giving a :-fate, Pandora just seems awesome.

Will this work? Will it suck or will it be broken? Obviously this idea appeals to me because I can use the madness's with The Dreamer, which gives me more options model-wise.

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Firstly yes he can only hire dolls. Hopefully book 3 will sort out the limited number of minions available to him.

The reason people have been thinking about zoraida is her ability to summon more wicked dolls.

CollodI's puppet show and breathe life giving fast and casting expert could in theory result in 5 wp duels from the stitched, assuming they don't need to do anything else.

0 action gambler

2 general actions gamble your life

1 fast action gamble your life

Casting expert gamble your life

Obviously for this collodI needs to be in the vicinity but the casting requirements for this are not difficult.

Will it make you popular with all the negative flips, probably not.

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I'd drop a Madness and get the last two Marionettes instead in your Pandora-lead list..

He's just that much more of a threat with them than without them.

Agreed. I can't really imagine taking Collidi withing 4 Marionettes, they are just way to good for him.

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Would the synergy between The stitched and Pandora be worth it? or should I consider using another master with him? Can he work in 35SS games alone?

Apologies for the amount of questions, but I've played 4 games so far so not exactly a Tactical Genius ;)

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Would the synergy between The stitched and Pandora be worth it? or should I consider using another master with him? Can he work in 35SS games alone?

Apologies for the amount of questions, but I've played 4 games so far so not exactly a Tactical Genius ;)

Well Stitched work well with all of our Masters to be honest, they bring something to each of them. Pandora does like them because they cause Wp duels but otherwise she doesn't gain much from them outside of Creepy Fog. So really you can use them with any master and get good results. I personally prefer them with the Dreamer and Zoraida but with Collidi to, I would take Zoraida as your Master.

Collidi can work as your leader in a 35ss game, it is a bit rough right now with such a small model selection. It may be better to wait till book 3 comes out (with hopefully more Dolls in it) before really playing Collidi alone. But I've had good success with taking him/her/it with Zoraida and Pandora.

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"Collidi can work as your leader in a 35ss game, it is a bit rough right now with such a small model selection. It may be better to wait till book 3 comes out (with hopefully more Dolls in it) before really playing Collidi alone"

I would just like to point out that Collodi has won 2 of the 3 biggest UK tournaments in the last 12 months, as a master/henchman on his own.

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It may be more fun to wait till book 3 comes out (with hopefully more Dolls in it) before really playing Collodi alone.


At least in terms of crew composition, but maybe I'm the only one who'd rather not field so many multiples of the same few models..

Edited by Wodschow
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It may be more fun to wait till book 3 comes out (with hopefully more Dolls in it) before really playing Collodi alone.


At least in terms of crew composition, but maybe I'm the only one who'd rather not field so many multiples of the same few models..

No Im with you on this one, I don't plan on using him alone till he has more choices for his crew.

@ukrocky: Well good to hear for him! But still his crew choice is a bet rough, sure he plays decently but I'm just not that much into model Spam. *shrugs* Glad to hear he was used to win those, but I'm sure the players behind him deserve more praise.

Edited by karn987
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No Im with you on this one, I don't plan on using him alone till he has more choices for his crew.

@ukrocky: Well good to hear for him! But still his crew choice is a bet rough, sure he plays decently but I'm just not that much into model Spam. *shrugs* Glad to hear he was used to win those, but I'm sure the players behind him deserve more praise.

It was ukrocky who won them. In the case of yesterdays tourney he played them very well.

It was a painful experience for my Lilith crew.

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It's still musing on Collodi, and I claim I'm a half troll! Ahem. The game against you was a pleasure Chucklemonkey, sorry I was still hungover!

As for the crew, yes, I would love more crew selection to stop model spamming (not a massive fan either!), however the 3 models he has access to atm is perfect and makes it a fully viable crew!

In all honesty, I don't like using the crew. If I'd had the time I would have painted up my Sonnia crew and brought that, but at the 2 tournaments I've taken Collodi, I have had about 1/2 fun games and about 1/2 the games where my opponents are just frustrated at me, and I don't go to tournaments to win (contrary to popular belief!), I'd rather have 100% fun games and end up somewhere mid-table.

As to it being the player, well, I think Collodi is easy enough and I got rather lucky in all 3 of my games yesterday, Ie, I was very lucky to kill Lilith in the end, and if Lilith had been alive it could easily have been 6-6 (if she had the treasure) as opposed to 8-0!

My collodi won't be coming out for a long, long time, as even though he works, he isn't fun (As a master, I don't really want to try him with any other neverborn master atm!)

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Stitched together + Collodi = filth.

Some moments over the weekend;

Stitched gaining fast and casting expert off Collodi (At least 2 of them). (0) Gambler, 3 x Gamble your life at WP8 (Due to collodi), and one casting of the damage spell.

So 2 or 3 of them doing that, if you then kill them, they gain reactivate with similar amount of damage output and activations.

Add onto that that Wicked Dolls can just hide and (0) in when needed, then the turn after they (0) in, if they kill, then they can make more wicked dolls with their other (0). This with them having access to melee expert and fast.

Marionettes and the wicked's (0) means you can move 80% of your crew from one spot on the board to nigh on anywhere else and still use a 4th marionette to get back to safety.

They have an answer for anything, especially shooty crews.

Whirlwind trigger doesn't work against Collodi if you hit Collodi.

Collodi is so, so hard to kill if you have a marionette hiding behind Collodi.

Sheer amount of activations and actions per activation.

It's like gremlins, but better.

Oh and I'm a horrible opponent!

Nah, in the one at leeds, by the end of it, Ian my opponent just seemed fed up of my crew, especially the stitched, and I hate my opponents feeling like that.

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The Marionettes have an ability that allows Collodi to push into base to base after they walk. Because of this, is there any reason why your first action every game with him wouldn't be Filled with Stones?

Well giving all your puppets fast might catch the opponent off guard.

Collodi, 4 Marionettes and 9+ Wicked Dolls will most likely let you outactivate the opponent, once you do, or once you're close to it at least just start moving across the board and start hitting the opponent with so many weak attacks. Place the Wicked dolls near for Poison, more attacks and Df->14 tests for the opponent next turn..

This would be hell to play against for quite a few crews..

Of course it'd be about the same if you did it turn 2 instead and waited for Filled with Stones.. But the enemy would probably have spread out a bit more..

Also since you can bounce off attacks on Collodi it might be better worth to fill one of the Marionettes with Stones instead.. I think..

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After hearing about some of Collodi's escapades over the weekend (and seeing the post-game look on Ian's face!) I'm frightened at the number of Doll crews that are going to be popping up in a couple of months now that the boxed set is in sight.

Does anyone, and ukrocky in particular, have any anti-Collodi tactics they could help us get prepared? It seems he's capable of bringing both melee and shooty crews down with ease, so what would you be afraid to face?


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Well. Erm. It's a difficult crew to beat IMO. If you're a ranged crew I'm gonna 0 Creepy Fog early game to stop you shooting. If you get initiative turn 2 with someone then he should only be in range of the stitched. //The key to taking down Collodi? The marionettes. //If you get rid of these, Collodi becomes both vulnerable and static, until he spends (2) making a new one. If Collodi is static, the wicked dolls can only (0) to where he ended up, which could be somewhere useless, and stops him jumping in with 3 marionettes and the last one pulling him back. If Collodi is static it also means he cant get in a position where his +2WP would be most devastating to lend to the stitched, as the stitched have such short range anyway. //As to what I'd be afraid to face; //- Austringers //- Lilith or Lady J running headlong at me //- Miss Criid or Rasputina //So to pick up on the last one. If you can have something hiding at the back that can RELIABLY put out blasts that do 2 or 3 damage on the blast then they would be wicked. Wait until the stitched are gone, hope the collodi player dumps 3-4 wicked dolls and a marionette into one place and watch them disappear. //Liam with cassandra almost killed 5 wicked dolls in one shot with her before I realised what she could do, and killed 2 marionettes turn 1 with the ability. //I would also NOT bring sniper models or models that are particularly vulnerable to small attacks (Such as lawyer, silent one etc.) as the collodi player will just activate stitched and push forward, activate collodi and give fast and melee expert out, pass with a model or 2 then marionette across the board, drop 2 wicked dolls on you who have fast and melee expert and you'll lose him turn 1. //If you can take out all of one of Collodi's units (So all stitched, wicked or marionettes) he becomes massively weaker, I mean, still powerful, but yeah. //Oh and don't take hold out.

Edited by ukrocky
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