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A more...modest Lady Justice


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Per the request of my loving wife, I modified Lady J with some greenstuff late this night (morning?)


This isn't a showcase of amazing sculpting skillz or anything, but I think it looks pretty good and will be seamless once she's primed + painted.

Also, I daresay this is the first time someone's modded a Malifaux model to make it more modest!

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Don't really understand why you made this... Maybe because I'm french and breasts don't disturb me, and I'm married too ! It's the difference between Europe and Usa maybe...

I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a difference between Europe & the States--I know plenty of people over here who wouldn't care either. It's just that my wife doesn't like it when women's bodies are exploited for profit or male pleasure, which is how she sees this (let's not get in an argument about this; I'm just stating how my wife views things & I'm not interested in defending that on the internet!).

I have my own thoughts on the matter, some of which line up with hers, and some of which don't, but out of respect for her I covered Lady J up. ;)

Edited by Hansel
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It's hard to tell what you did with that photo. It just looks like someone tried to make her breasts bigger.

Yeah, the photo's pretty bad, but I think it looks completely adequate when viewed in real life. They don't look bigger.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a difference between Europe & the States--I know plenty of people over here who wouldn't care either. It's just that my wife doesn't like it when women's bodies are exploited for profit or male pleasure, which is how she sees this (let's not get in an argument about this; I'm just stating how my wife views things & I'm not interested in defending that on the internet!).

I have my own thoughts on the matter, some of which line up with hers, and some of which don't, but out of respect for her I covered Lady J up. ;)

This is a valid arguement, and one that an ethics debate would soon put down.

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Nice. I did something similar with my Taelor. I extended her shirt down to cover her breasts. She was giving me a white trash vibe that I didn't think fit, wanted her more like in book 1. It had a similar side effect of making her look a little more endowed, but more classy as well.

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