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my only fear for terraclips

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Hey I was looking at some of the terraclip stuff online , and noticed that the space between each tile is visible not where it looks bad , it looks awesome . But from a gaming point of view if each tile is the same size or there is a set size to the different tiles that could be used to pre-measure . Sometime actions are lost to a players mis judgment t of range or a charge that's just short . I hope my fears are wrong , but in tourny play that wouldn't fly to well .

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Either I am getting Deja Vu or there has been lots of discussion of this topic in other threads. Surely if there is any advantage in establishing range this applies to both players and therefore neither gains any superiority.

And as Ratty says it is irrelevant. Players who regularly reuse the same pieces of scenery or indeed battleboards will develop a knowledge of the scanery dimensions etc (if I know the hill I have just placed is 4" from one side to the other then I can use that to help me work out how far away a model the other side is) - nobody claims that is unfair.

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I understand that if both players can do it its equal , but than your missing a key part of the game , judging distance is a cool skill to develop .

I know that it can be done to a extent with regular terrain but if your in a tourny that usually not the case also if terrain is placed by the TO it is way harder to judge than if the board is on a grid system .

Now iam a huge wyrd fan boy , helping 3 clubs in NYC connect to play malifaux , and am working on my second full collection of a faction . And will probably buy 2 of each set of the new terraclips cause they look to cool to pass up . Just a small concern I had for tourny use .

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You dont have to be aligned with the edge if you put the gunslinger or one of raspitinas mirrors at the edge of a square its very easy to count range and makes playing against that way different . I mean I play for fun most of the time , but if I travel by plane to a serious tourny I would be annoyed it it had modular terrain .

If pre measuring was to be in the game the rules would have it in there .

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WWG calls it a natural grid, it's a design element intentionally worked into it.

I was pretty freaked by it at first as well. As Karn pointed out, it's not going to favor either player directly. It WILL make it "easier" for people who can't estimate distances very well.

I can see your point, I'm just not going to stress about it. I'll likely use it for casual gaming, demos, etc... and will probably not use it for tournaments, for the reason you pointed out. If we pick up a league in our local group we'll likely use it there too. I'm excited about being able to put together some amazing looking terrain on the fly, as this will allow. I think any limitations will be well worth it.

Like just about everything in wargaming: it's situational.

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Malifaux was never designed with the intention of giving a significant advantage to a player who was better at guessing distances, and in fact that was not a factor in the decision to include the rule about no pre-measuring. The core reason for the rule was about speed of play, as many players end up spending time measuring every little thing every time before making decisions about moving, shooting, etc...and it can make the game dramatically less fun overall.

While terraclips does include features to help guess distances more accurately, we didn't feel that it would do so in a way to dramatically slow down game play either. Compared to the benefits of the natural grid in the terrain for so many uses, the decision to keep it in the terraclips product was a rather easy decision.

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