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Hoffman and Coppelius

Da Big Baws

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in game fluff there is no discription as yet, but they can work together because of a german poem about a sandman esq creatur that steals childrens eyes eg corppelius and its auther i belive is c hoffman. im sure a following poster will put up a link, as i dont have one

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I dunno, I think he's an interesting addition.. :)

But of course I love oddball lists.. Soeh.. If I played Guild/Hoffman I'd be inclined to try something ala this out:




Performer + Mannequin


2 Guild Hounds

Hoffmans mobile fortress consisting of the Peacekeeper, Toolkit and a fancy Armor+3 linked Mannequin.

Coppelius and Performer attempt to tag-team with Paralyze/Poison combos.

Hounds because there was 5SS left over and they're fast enough to easily keep up with the other two groups, in a more defensive list maybe swap the Peacekeeper for Ryle and those two for Watchers..

No idea how well it'd play though - probably fun xD

I suspect the Performer might be a tad too slow, fragile and non-floaty however..

Even outside oddball lists I think Coppelius has some merit - especially on a board with dense terrain where he's very likely to get to the enemy quickly without dying on the way.

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and as the manaquin can only link to showgirls, it will never keep up with the hoff

It can, because friendly constructs near Hoffman can ignore their listed abilities.

Edit: They also will not be slow, although I have no idea what to use their extra AP for.. I suppose they'll be the prime target for Tap Power.. So Slow again, yay!

Didn't think about the hounds, like I said they're just there because there was 5SS left over, add whatever else to the list and it'd function about the same.. Really not the focus of the list..

Edited by Wodschow
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