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Hoffman: Black Ops!


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EDIT: Whole crew is finished! See further down the thread. ;)


OK, I bought the Peacekeeper and Ryle about a month and a half ago to start getting them ready for playing when Hoffman came out. I had the inspiration to do the Peacekeeper in a paint scheme based off of the Nautilus from 20,000 leagues under the sea. What else fits the Steampunk theme, and was a mechanical symbol of terror. :) In the end though, I wasn't sure I liked it being in all dark tones, so I added a few Guild-ish colors to it.

I liked how well it turned out though, that I'll be following up with the rest of Hoff's constructs in a similar theme! I also am trying my hand at a bit of OSL on these. It didn't turn out as strong on the Peacekeeper as I was hoping, so we'll see how the rest turn out.

(Click for bigger pics)



And then here's Ryle. He's not quite so dark, but I didn't want to go with black on him, so I chose the Necron Abyss. As it turns out, he's going to fit quite nicely with the theme I've chosen for my Levi crew as well. :D


Edited by LoboStele
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And here's how the whole crew looks so far. Obviously, only basic base coating finished on the rest of them. I'm liking the black panther-ish look that this is giving the Hunter. :)

If (more likely when, LOL) I buy a 2nd Guardian, I may just have to paint it white though, so I have a Black Knight and a White Knight. :tongue2:

(Click to make bigger ;) )



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It may just be the pictures, but those are REALLY dark. Makes it hard to pick out the details. Have you thought of a fine edge highlight? Maybe blue to coincide with Ryle, but a grey would work as well. If you make it a kinda of light color it would really pop.

Yeah, I need to get some more light on the Peacekeeper and take some more photos. Didn't realize how dark they were till I posted them. Sorry! It is rather dark, even in person, but there's definitely a shift in light to dark in some areas. I tried doing some edge highlights, but I really didn't like how they looked. Unfortunately, in these pictures, you can't really even see the cool rust marks or such. :(

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I'm only gonna make my watcher flying

Grounded he looks weird

I agree, it does look a tad odd. I have another one on pre-order for when they release in May, so that one I will do something more interesting with for basing.

Made a wee bit of progress on these last night. Since I'm doing all the constructs in a similar theme, I feel like I'm army painting, and it's a tad bit disheartening, because I feel like I didn't actually finish anything. But they are coming along. I'm liking everything so far, and hopefully these pics are a little less dark. I'm still going to try and get some brighter pics of the Peacekeeper for you guys.



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While the pics are quite small, your photo account shows more detailed images.

I can only suggest that you use a contracting colour to freehand some details onto these. Whether you put some mdoel numbers or code on their carapace or some OSL eye lenses, just to break it up a bit.

I think a bright red, orange, yellow or ice blue would work well. Particularly on the Peacekeeper.

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While the pics are quite small, your photo account shows more detailed images.

That's why it says "click to make bigger" ;)

I can only suggest that you use a contracting colour to freehand some details onto these. Whether you put some mdoel numbers or code on their carapace or some OSL eye lenses, just to break it up a bit.

I think a bright red, orange, yellow or ice blue would work well. Particularly on the Peacekeeper.

The Peacekeeper does have some nice OSL on the lenses and the ports. Guess you can't really see it in the photos. Darn it.

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OK, took some new photos of the Peacekeeper. Hopefully it's a bit easier to see the lighting/OSL on him now. These pictures are under a LOT of light, so anything that looks like a reflection of light in the images is actually the paint/highlighting itself.

The light source is imagined to be above and to your left (the peacekeeper's right, I guess)


Click on these ones to make them bigger. ;)


For this one, you can see the back leg in the image is darker in color, and again, this is under a LOT of light, so that's actually darker paint, and not just shadows from the lighting.



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What better to prowl the streets of Malifaux in the dark of night, hunting for Arcanists and other ne'er do wells? Why, the Black Ops Construct Division, of course! :)


All of the models in the crew are painted with a bit of OSL/shading (same as the peacekeeper above), so picture the light source up and to the left in these images (or to the figure's right side, if that's easier to imagine ;) )

(Click the small pics to make bigger! ;) )


I'm not sure why some of these photos turned out more yellow in the background. I think I need to play with the distance on my lighting to the models. Anyways...Enjoy!

And I'm really excited with how Hoffman turned out. I tried some new techniques on his face, and I like how the shading and his eyes turned out.



The Watcher was a fun model, and I'm happy with how his wings turned out. I really like the OSL on his eye and body power core. And yes, I agree, he looks dumb on the ground. My 2nd Watcher will have a more cool pose. ;)



The Guardian is probably my favorite after Hoffman. I love how the OSL turned out, particularly his chest power core and the vents on the back.



And lastly, the Panther...err...I mean, the Hunter. ;) I think he looks pretty menacing in the black and red. :)



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  • 2 months later...
Lucky one! One crew finished!

I just started my first and am already thinking about the second, third...

Maybe the tale will help me to stay focused.

If you are starting another one do join us there!

Heh, well, this wasn't my first crew, by far, but it certainly won't be last. I''ll have to check out the Tale thread I suppose. And even though this was like my 4th or 5th crew, I'm still thinking about a 6th, 7th, 8th....


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