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I watched the superbowl last night/this morning!!! Very tired and then got told by the wife I had to paint the house too!!!

Oh high everyone *waves to the locals*

Also on a darker note I have bought Skyrim :( goodbye social life :(

But I have been productive...I started a blog me :)

How is everyone on this misty evening?

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I went to bed early and had trouble getting out of bed this morning... I'm practiacally falling asleep at my desk.... I'll go to bed around 1130 or midnight tonight, get up around 530a and be more awake tomorrow.... WHAT GIVES???

You're just strange!

Also, I have no idea what you posted on my profile wall, it shows a broken link.

Some people :/

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Malandres, PC or console? I'm loving the mods, and the Dev Kit's about to be released which means even more goodies.

The one thing that might cut into my Skyrim time is that I think my new video card is overheating. I'm good for a couple of hours, then slowly but surely the texture mapping starts to screw up. Some things are rendered in plasticky purple, others are pitch black, then the game will crash. I think I am going to try playing on minimal settings and see if that helps. This is a friggin' Radeon 6870- it was doing fine until I got a ways in this game.

Apparently the demo I ran last Thursday sold the Seamus starter our FLGS had in the display case :) Also got some more pinning and cleanup done Saturday (did I mention I hate hate HATE filing and cleanup?).

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Malandres, PC or console? I'm loving the mods, and the Dev Kit's about to be released which means even more goodies.

On PS3 sadly so it is still quite buggy but I am just enjoying wandering around at the moment....

Apparently the demo I ran last Thursday sold the Seamus starter our FLGS had in the display case :) Also got some more pinning and cleanup done Saturday (did I mention I hate hate HATE filing and cleanup?).

Well done the Demos I have done so far have increase my local gaming community about tenfold and its fantastic and in 1 weeks time i have another demo at a new club :)

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At work but light at the end of the tunnel... managed to book of my last night so only a 3 day week for me.... only 3 day weeks for the next 3weeks! Hoorah! I plan on Hobby time, sleep and beating Edonil lots on Space Marine! :) Oh and some romance ;) Got the 14th booked off and since it would be rude to spend it playing Space Marine I'm thinking of something for me and the Fiancee :)

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At work but light at the end of the tunnel... managed to book of my last night so only a 3 day week for me.... only 3 day weeks for the next 3weeks! Hoorah! I plan on Hobby time, sleep and beating Edonil lots on Space Marine! :) Oh and some romance ;) Got the 14th booked off and since it would be rude to spend it playing Space Marine I'm thinking of something for me and the Fiancee :)

Kirby, or Yoshi..always good for the ladies! ;)

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Heh, no idea what you guys are talking about..guessing its computer game related!

If its not Nintendo lol, I tend not to notice....

And of course Regnak listens to us..he's a young impressionable gremlin!

I always find chocs, wine and a meal out are welcome on Valentines day! And a card also...

In return I expect nothing, its all just a marketing execs dream anyway!


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Heh, no idea what you guys are talking about..guessing its computer game related!

If its not Nintendo lol, I tend not to notice....

And of course Regnak listens to us..he's a young impressionable gremlin!

I always find chocs, wine and a meal out are welcome on Valentines day! And a card also...

In return I expect nothing, its all just a marketing execs dream anyway!


Bioware have some of the best games doilouge

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