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I'm assuming your Green ruler gets first pickings? ;)

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

You forgot:

Absolution Black: Love letters to Regnak

Absolution Black: My life as a Boiled Egg

Absolution Black: My Hero Regnak

Absolution Black: I wish I was as Handsome as Regnak

Absolution Black: Regnak Rocks my World

Absolution Black: Why won't Regnak return my calls

Those are just some of the previously unpublished titles coming this summer from the mind (and heart) of A. B. Egg


---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

*rolls eyes at Regnak*

You really must stop with this infatuation with me gremlin....it might pain you to know my world doesn't revolve around you....far from it. I consider you only as target practice! ;)

And what stuff are you looking for Malifaux wise?

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@Munkey: You don't EVER wear shorts??? Crazy...

@Abs: So... What are you thinking of ditching... there's some NB stuff I might be interested in ;)

Hi Steam!! I have Coffee this morning *thumbs up* and Malifaux tonight *thumbs up*. The tentacles are done on aPandora *thumbs up* and the Salamander on aCriid is mostly done *thumbs up* Pandora only has a few things to finish before she's done *thumbs up*.

Unfortunately, instead of painting today, I'm sitting in a drafty computer lab in a haze... for some reason I'm having a hard time focusing... It kinda sucks. But I Plan on combating that with the Crossword from the paper, and coffee. :)

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I thought you found that you were allergic to caffeine or did it get better after having some time away?

I need to do some painting this weekend. I only painted a cherub in all of January. Nekima is sitting there glowering at me although I'm still unsure of how I'm going to paint her.

The whole story goes like this: I have very sensative skin. You change my Laundry detergent and I look like a crack fiend. After doing some research, I found that stress can make allergies worse. And then it occured to me that most of my caffeine "allergy" was topical - it only really affected my lips and skin. Which led me to conclude that my extreme stress caused my already sensative skin to react to a wider number of things. I still get a little itch and flushed, but it's not too bad, especially if I'm careful and drink swill instead of real coffee ;)

I've painted a little bit every day since Sunday... It feels good to be getting stuff done :)

---------- Post added at 08:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ----------



Yeah, That's Right! Ed's OLD today ;)

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ----------


I wonder...


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boo Malifaux forums. Boo I say!

On a side note: can anyone remember where to find the thread about Zoraida Hiring Special Forces (anything but Dolls) and then Summoning her totem?? I have a list that might be fun to run, but not if I can't have the Voodoo Doll..... 0_0

---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ----------

On a side note, the Voodoo Doll doesn't have the Doll Characteristic on his V2 card.......

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@Abs: So... What are you thinking of ditching... there's some NB stuff I might be interested in ;)

Will let you know nearer the time.....the only things i'm keeping are Nephilim based so pretty much everything else is going up for grabs i reckon!

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

*jumps into thread with streamers and party poppers*


not yet?

Any cake left?

*sits down to eat cake*

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boo Malifaux forums. Boo I say!

On a side note: can anyone remember where to find the thread about Zoraida Hiring Special Forces (anything but Dolls) and then Summoning her totem?? I have a list that might be fun to run, but not if I can't have the Voodoo Doll..... 0_0

---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ----------

On a side note, the Voodoo Doll doesn't have the Doll Characteristic on his V2 card.......

Her totem isn't SF(Doll) so it's fine to summon it. The issue is Wicked Dolls which are SF and she can summon. It was ruled that you only need to worry about SF when you hire.


Edited by Ratty
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No, wait, I mean cake. Of course I mean cake.

But pie trumps both.

If I don't get to play today I'm going to paint or prep minis at the store this evening. Thinking hard about ordering the Viks. Not sure if I should get the box or just the Viks and Taelor along with a pack of Ronin. Time to check sites and do maths.

I should probably proxy them for a couple of games first.

Edited by Dustcrusher
fix quote. I'm a bit compulsive like that.
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I really thing you'll enjoy the Viks... or even Lady Justice or Lilith. You have a Lady J crew with all her cards... maybe give her a whirl, see if you like the melee monster ;D

I think the Viks box xet is solid. But You do need Ronin, in case one of your Viks dies. I think the Vik, Vik, Taylor, Ronin sounds good, but you'll want to pick up some range... maybe Hans or the Trapper :) Good Luck!!!

---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

@Ed: 24 is old because 26 is old <ahttp://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'>

---------- Post added at 10:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------


so I think, Tonight I'm gonna run

Z +Voodoo Doll

Gunsmiths x2

Desperate Mercs x2




---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

*does the Thread Killer dance*

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#Wakes up from birthday cake induced sleep#

Hmm? Who's killing what now? Ah Fell and the thread.

#Scratches head for a new topic#

Is there still snow where you are?

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

If 26 is old, I'm ancient........ 37 soon! *cries*

Got anything fun planned for the mid life crisis?

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#Wakes up from birthday cake induced sleep#

Hmm? Who's killing what now? Ah Fell and the thread.

#Scratches head for a new topic#

Is there still snow where you are?

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

Got anything fun planned for the mid life crisis?

No snow in North wales, just frosty air!

And what mid life crisis? My whole life is a crisis lol!

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uh... Yeah. It's February in Maine... There will be snow until April.

And Abs... You are old man, don't you feel it in your bones ;)

I'm killing the thread, and which ever crew decides to attempt to sharpen it's limbs on my Z crew... 'cause she's not so squishy when she's got guns... :)

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

I have a Miss Demeanor, but assuming I liked the Viks, the Freikorps would be the next purchase after the above. Too many good options in that set not to.

Good Call :)

No snow in North wales, just frosty air!

And what mid life crisis? My whole life is a crisis lol!

Life may not be perfect, but it can't be THAT bad. ;)

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And Abs... You are old man, don't you feel it in your bones ;)

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

Life may not be perfect, but it can't be THAT bad. ;)

lol, when i say crisis, i mean it keeps me on my toes!

And feel it in my bones......yup...and muscles, and everywhere else! ;)

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