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Cheers for that, very helpful. I already have Ryle as I have all the Guild models available (once the Hounds are released), so its good to know he's considered useful there too!

I will probably just play him out of the box for now, when I can actually resume gaming, so will probably stick with what I've got and maybe next month or later add another blister of Aboms, and a second desolation engine.

I don't know why but I like to keep crews within themes, so colette will most likely be all showgirls, Lilith all Nephilim etc. But I realise Levi is a lot different in that he has a lot of options available to him.

On a side note, I ordered the boxes etc this morning from MAelstrom. I normally wait for their discount codes to come through, but I was guessing they weren't going to do one this easter. I ordered them, and just checked my email now, and lo and behold, a discount code!! Still Its not too bad, I just checked how much I had lost out on and it was only about £3, so not a lot! Only just gets a pint of beer over here!

Should have trusted my instincts and held off though lol!

I mostly look at it the same way you do, I like to keep my crews within their themes and thankfully most of hte time these are some of the best crews with those Masters! I almost never use Lilith without a horde of Nephilim behind her and Pandora is rarely without a bunch of Woes etc.

Ahh instincts... always accurate in hind-sight XD. They do say Hind-sight is 20/20 after all.

So a question... do your keyboards have the "£" instead of the "$" on them for the Shift + 4?

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I mostly look at it the same way you do, I like to keep my crews within their themes and thankfully most of hte time these are some of the best crews with those Masters! I almost never use Lilith without a horde of Nephilim behind her and Pandora is rarely without a bunch of Woes etc.

Ahh instincts... always accurate in hind-sight XD. They do say Hind-sight is 20/20 after all.

So a question... do your keyboards have the "£" instead of the "$" on them for the Shift + 4?

Nope we have the £ sign above the 3, and the $ above the 4!!

Which theoretically means UK keyboards muct have one less symbol?? Whats above your 3?

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My UK keyboard:


Huh I see what they did, you have that Alt Gr key while we just have a second Alt key normally. Those special characters (the fancy E, U, etc) have to be brought in through a command or opening up the virtual keyboard on the machine.

Our shift + 3 is the # sign... interesting...


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Lol, You can tell you work in IT, finding layouts of keyboards interesting!! ;)

No wonder Kate Winslet woke you up. Kate (swoon)

#falls on floor again#

>> shush, I like to analyze things and the reasons for the rather large differences in keyboard layout between the UK and US is interesting to me >.> It always brings out that question in my mind of "Why is it like this?" XD

*Picks AB up, dusts him off and sets him in his Egg Cup* Your going to crack if you do that to much and then how are you going to explain that to the Mrs?

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>> shush, I like to analyze things and the reasons for the rather large differences in keyboard layout between the UK and US is interesting to me >.> It always brings out that question in my mind of "Why is it like this?" XD

*Picks AB up, dusts him off and sets him in his Egg Cup* Your going to crack if you do that to much and then how are you going to explain that to the Mrs?

I have no idea why a Uk and US keyboard should differ so much. We speak the same language after all. if anything your keyboard should just have the 'U' missing as you seem to drop it from so many words! ;)





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I have no idea why a Uk and US keyboard should differ so much. We speak the same language after all. if anything your keyboard should just have the 'U' missing as you seem to drop it from so many words! ;)





Ha! Nice XD

And all computers with an IP address location in Ma should automatically replace all instances of r with ah XD



Apparently the main reason they differ is because UK covers more diverse cultures etc so they have extra symbols in there and don't make as big a use of characters like "|" and etc. Basically, it's a cultural thing XD

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Only here for a few, then off to lunch. Will be around for the afternoon though. :) Then...off to play Malifaux this evening! Woo hoo!

So...things I missed...

DBZ 9000! reference...LOL nice.

And I actually liked the live-action DBZ movie. Yes, it was campy and pretty cheesy. But it was still fun.

Battle over LA. Haven't seen it yet, but really want to. My brother-in-law, who hardly ever likes anything, really said some good stuff about it, so that definitely piques my interest. Plus, I LOVE LOVE LOVED District 9, so am hoping BOLA has a similar feel.

Tacticas: AB, look up MrNybbles tactica thread for the Showgirls. It's about the best out there right now. I actually just picked up Levi too, so am looking forward to learning him. Bought the Hooded Rider this past weekend just for playing with him. :)

Oooh, and I finally had some time to paint this week! Got about an hour on Tuesday night and about 3 or so hours last night. Got both Ryle and my Peacekeeper finished, and got a good start on Hoffman's crew. Plus, FINALLY got around to photographing some of the stuff I've finished over the past couple months. Will put up pics in Showcase later.

OK then...whew....off to lunch!

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Ha! Nice XD

And all computers with an IP address location in Ma should automatically replace all instances of r with ah XD



Apparently the main reason they differ is because UK covers more diverse cultures etc so they have extra symbols in there and don't make as big a use of characters like "|" and etc. Basically, it's a cultural thing XD

Ha, are you saying the US has no culture? ;)

Just looked back over the last few threads. Anyone coming in will think they've stumbled on an IT convention!

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I some how managed to cut out 8&9… that or egg head can't count ;)

1) no idea... But dolphins are the only other mammal that has sex for pleasure....

2) ares god of war lover of Aphrodite.

3) therefore


5) Rasputin

6) King George II

7) Nixon



10) sex on the beach

Hmm a sex theme coming across there Fell.....naughty naughty.

But 2 is wrong according to my answers! And 7.

Sex on the beach is wrong. Well the answer is, can't comment on the real thing!! ;)

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I some how managed to cut out 8&9… that or egg head can't count ;)

1) no idea... But dolphins are the only other mammal that has sex for pleasure....

2) ares god of war lover of Aphrodite.

3) therefore


5) Rasputin

6) King George II

7) Nixon



10) sex on the beach

Welcome back Fell!

*jumps onto your shoulder again*

@AB: You got that vibe to huh? ;) *ducks the incoming blow from Fell*

Heya Lobo! Nice to see you kicking around finally XD

Yes Battle LA is fantastic, yes DBZ is fantastic, Painting is fantastic, it's all fantastic ^^ Especially Malifaux in the evening, its my gaming night as well! Huzzah gaming!

Edit: Network just tried to kill it's self... if I vanish, that is why. ><

Edited by karn987
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Apparently it's screaming child day at the mall... And everyone wonders why I prefer high schoolers.... *sigh*

@Karn: I thought the dolphin thing was interesting.... According to my aunt I'm going to hell due to my promiscuous behavior... At least I'll he with the dolphins :D

I happen to like vodka orange juice and peach schnapps, no matter how they're mixed.... 'scuse me for not being such a booze brain :D

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Apparently it's screaming child day at the mall... And everyone wonders why I prefer high schoolers.... *sigh*

@Karn: I thought the dolphin thing was interesting.... According to my aunt I'm going to hell due to my promiscuous behavior... At least I'll he with the dolphins :D

I happen to like vodka orange juice and peach schnapps, no matter how they're mixed.... 'scuse me for not being such a booze brain :D

The dolphin thing was interesting. And theres nothing wrong with promiscuous behaviour. Usually. ;)

And don't worry about the booze brain, i didn't know the answer.


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Apparently it's screaming child day at the mall... And everyone wonders why I prefer high schoolers.... *sigh*

@Karn: I thought the dolphin thing was interesting.... According to my aunt I'm going to hell due to my promiscuous behavior... At least I'll he with the dolphins :D

I happen to like vodka orange juice and peach schnapps, no matter how they're mixed.... 'scuse me for not being such a booze brain :D

I can't stand screaming children.... worse then nails on a chalk board -_-

I always liked that fact about Dophlins ;D

Nothing wrong with promiscuous behavior as long as you don't go overboard at least. There is always that fine line to everything I guess lol

I take it your Aunt is more of a hard line christian or something such as that?

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Right i guess I'm outta here again!!

I'm hoping to be on tomorrow, and over the weekend too, so will keep an eye out for you guys!

Hope you have a great day!

#pulls cord hanging next to him. Trapdoor opens, egg slides down the chute all the way home#

Cya AB! Have a good evening man!

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I can't stand screaming children.... worse then nails on a chalk board -_-

I always liked that fact about Dophlins ;D

Nothing wrong with promiscuous behavior as long as you don't go overboard at least. There is always that fine line to everything I guess lol

I take it your Aunt is more of a hard line christian or something such as that?

Baptist......... Crazy

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