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I'm in the waiting for Skyrim and Arkham City to arrive club... I'm hoping today or early next week so I can play when the kids go back to school...

I haven't bothered with Combo trophies in Arkham Asylum but I picked up all of the Riddler Trophies in it.

Also I finished Space Marine the other morning... Now to get to level 41 from 37

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I've always found that games like Elder Scrolls is only ver worth playing on the PC, I get bored of them far to quickly on consoles, lol.

Arkham City is ace though. Just 2 more Riddles Trophies to get and they're combat ones. one of them being the Aerial Attack one, which I just cannot seem to be able to do, it just performs a regular Aerial Attack even when I follow the instructions on the attack. I think the PS3 version is easier though as the attack is much slower in being performed which makes it far easier than the 360 version :(

Then again, from all I've heard, it's also far easier throughout on the PS3.

Also slowly collecting medals in Riddlers Revenge and some of them take some serious planning :P lol.

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It's been a long week. But, it's over. Currently falling out of my chair laughing at that video. Holy crap that was amazing. Anyway, been working a lot on my Star Wars campaign, long way to go, but gotten a lot of ideas and research done...and I've got a mega battle tomorrow that I'll be running, so that'll be fun. Just need to build the board tonight, lol. Yay terraclips...

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Good to hear the SW campaign is coming along nicely. I've just scrapped most of the All Flesh campaign I'd been writing and rewriting most of it. I didn't like the feel of it or the direction it was going in. It went form Walking dead to Resident Evil without me realizing and that spoiled things a bit. So I'm sticking to the basics.

1. Survivors = good.

2. Zombies = bad

3. Other survivors = may be good/bad.

4. Set timeline.

5. Open World.

6. Let the players do most of the work.

My campaign kicks off approximately 7 months after the fall of civilization and the walled community they were holed up in has just fallen to a zombie attack leaving them out in the open with limited food, ammo and other supplies. Now they just have to survive, heheh...

~Grins evilly~

Before hand I had them going off on all these missions for the commuinity and looking at it all I discovered the community was the biggest problem, so I destroyed it and killed all 83 survivors inside (whom I had all named and written short bios for).

Still debating whether or not to stick aliens in there... but to many things do that and I hate Speilberg for having aliens in everything these days :P

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Hey, I'll take some of those NPCs if you don't mind sharing...I'm trying to do a GM Bible rather than a planned plot, which will make it easier to run, but is a pain to plan out. NPCs are the hardest right now, just because I'm so used to creating characters in context of their roles.

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A method I tend to use came fro ma truly ancient issue for Dragon. Basically it's called the 7 Sentence NPC. In those 7 sentences you write up the characters name, appearance, demeanor, occupations and any other traits you can think of. It makes it very fast and easy to come up with new characters to players to meet :)

I came up with most of the people in the community over the course of a week, though some of them do have some very cheesy names (not that the players would have needed to know that the guy over there is called Down Toggle or the former marine in the group goes by the name Alan Wayne Otis Leary (get it? lol)), my favourite being Tufty Toffer.

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