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Regnak'as link looks like the right one, there are a few incarnation about online. From what I heard from Craig (the guy that wrote the game) it's better to look for version 2.0 (or 2nd edition as it's called) since the later 2.3 is the one I was using that had all the errors.

What I find funny about ITEN is that it started out as a few pages with just the Inquisitor and Enemies retinues, then others got their hands on it. next thing you know it had about a dozen different retinues to choose from, lol! Craig is quite notorious for his small "1 page games" that tend to be plenty of fun, ITEN is easily the longest game he's ever written and is the best, even better than FUBAR (which was also lots of fun) :D

I'm presently reworking a old game of mine called Collateral Damage. It's set a couple of hundred years from now and everything in the solar system has been privatised, even people. If you've every read Jennifer Government, it's a bit like that. So far it's about 1 1/2 pages of rules and 3 pages of units. So yeah, very simple rules.

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Oh, another thing with ITEN, try to avoid taking to much Power Armour if you can, more than a couple of models with it in a 200 point game can really over balance things. yes, SM don't get many men, but with their armour and Grit it takes a lot to take them down.

Regnak did link the right one BTW, it's the one with the more apparent points value system (the one I had was nigh on impossible to make out).

Also remember that in ITEN, if a model has a special ability like Terrifying, you still have to pay for that ability in their points value (and the example lists often forget this, lol).

Edited by LonelyPath
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Oh, another thing with ITEN, try to avoid taking to much Power Armour if you can, more than a couple of models with it in a 200 point game can really over balance things. yes, SM don't get many men, but with their armour and Grit it takes a lot to take them down.

Regnak did link the right one BTW, it's the one with the more apparent points value system (the one I had was nigh on impossible to make out).

Also remember that in ITEN, if a model has a special ability like Terrifying, you still have to pay for that ability in their points value (and the example lists often forget this, lol).

Like this Gremlin could ever be wrong! :P

Looks like a great idea for a game... will have to try this out in the future once I've cleared some of my hobby backlog...

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Hey everyone, hope people are doing well. :) Oh how tired I am...last night was so long... Oh well. Been working my way through some podcasts on rpg campaign design and running...which has been fun, but one heck of a brain dump. Working on creating a list of character concepts to flesh out for NPCs and writing in general. Anyone got any suggestions they don't mind me stealing?

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I played a game last week with Z... my first game with her since April or so... I lost... but it was good... he was right $$$$$$$$ed off when I was killing off his stuff... with his own stuff :angel:

I like Z but the alt has put me off...them big ole Orcy Teeth she is sporting are worse than the saggy bits she's sporting

Only 2 weeks? Pfft... It's been nearly 2 months since I last had a game

And path....2 weeks is a looooong time for me to go without a game

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