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Never been a fan of Zatanna. However, I do like Batwoman (and Huntress for that matter).

~Sends several girls off to get changed into Batwoman and Huntress costumes~

She's my favorites after seeing her in JLU, then in Batman brave in bold intro, then I saw her in smallvill and remember why it's total crap. I got volume one of her own series, which is fantastic. I also have a couple of JLDark, where she isn't as good, I preffer her when she was written by Paul Dinni, but it's worth it.

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Chocobo... are all of those puppets named Alice by any chance?

As for Smallville, I think it had its ups and downs, but the final season was pretty much all filler and annoyed me even more than the final season of Buffy (which was also a complete waste of time).

Yep she's right here

*see's Alice running away*


*Fires a chain at Alice and tires her back down to her chair*

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No bumping off Colette. I supply her with soulstone, she supplies me with girls and guild rum. It's a good deal, but don't tell them Guilders about the rum ;)

~#66 little sister (who's still dressed as Harley) stands guard of Alice so she doesn't try to run off again~

Well, at least she's not a loony as her older sister was, which is nice.

Right, time to try and snag more Riddler things and beat up more witless minions in Arkham, catch ye again!

Oh, I might also paint my Guardian and Watcher for my Guild stuff tonight :)

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*borrows some of locos dynamite*

don't worry silver with have you out in a jiffy...just step back...way back

Oi Mal, you were only supost to to blow the blinking doors off.

*notices as #66 is free from her cell next door as well and jumps around the thread chrewing the furniture*

Damn it #66, well at lest she isn't killing anyone

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Noooo... that's not #66, #66 is very quite dead, Fell hanged her personally, then we chopped her up and burned the bits. That was #66 little sister, who's a bit batty, but not psychopathic. She just has a thing for kittens... or was it mittens? Anyway, nothing to worry about.

Also ABs, I seem to have forgotten to give you your tip again.

~Hands over the usual bribe of 15 barrels of Guild Rum to ABs~

Now remember, you haven't seen anything...

~Several Gothic Showgirls run passed carrying the front doors to the Guild offices~

Like I said, you haven't seen a thing ;)

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Morning folks!

Hope everyone is doing well. The weekend was interesting... Started planning my first ever campaign as a Game Master! Pretty excited about that. Having fun at the moment with it... Hey Path, could I pick your brain if I need advice? Both of the GMs I've worked with are players for me, lol.

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