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Off Topic Playground

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eurgh....i dont got it :(

what have you tried? You need the pic location address...you can get that from right clicking on the image and selecting 'properties'

Then highlight it all, copy it and then in the post for on here...there is an 'insert image' button...top right, looks like a pic of mountains and a sun!

Click that, paste the link...hopefully it will work!

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Lol Yup through the breach as it were.

think im going to end up getting a Sonia crew...just need to decide what i want in the crew. i have so much painting to do...Pandora, Kade, Ramos, aRamos, Rusty Alyce, Brass Arachnid, Silent One, Hoarecat Pride, Ice Golem, Sue, Jackdaw and alt Rasputina

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