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I think Bullying is a parental issue... I think stopping kids from being bullied (at this point in time) needs to start at home. Teach your kids to be kind. Teach your kids respect. Teach your kids integrity. Then the Bullys wont have easy targets (I stand up for people who are getting picked on, always). And if you teach your kids to be good to others, they wont feel the need to pick on each other...

I think bullying is our primal way of figuring out who the alphas are... and more often than not, for humans, it isn't the jocks... it's the brains... *shrugs*

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Mal, I played Rugby in school so I was something of a hybrid myself. I would also weight train and was talking wrestling lessons outside of school, so I would avoid violence if I could, I'd have likely crippled someone at the time :(

As for killing yourself because of it, it is a sad thing to happen, but I never considered it as a way out from the bullying I went through, in my head I saw it as cowardly and that it would give them ultimate victory and I wasn't gonna back down completely, just put up with it until I knew I could strike back (which I did the instant school ended). Choosing to go through it didn't make it any easier, but I have always been a pacifist (yet I am strangely drawn to violent games, movies, tv shows, etc. lol!).

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Different people react different ways to pain. Personally, high school was hell. 4 years I was glad to be rid of, because I wasn't really part of 'any' group. Because of my interests (books, writing, anime, war gaming) I wasn't accepted in most circles. Those groups where that was normal, I was the outsider for being a Christian. And within the 'Christian' group I was an outsider because I actually wanted to debate out and really figure out my beliefs, not accept something because a bunch of adults said to. So, before you start to say things like 'It wasn't that bad for me and I was bullied!' ....while that is true and sucks, keep in mind that some people honestly feel like they have no one and are utterly alone...tag bullying onto that, and it isn't too terribly hard to see how someone might feel that death is preferable to life, however wrong they are in that.

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I think everything happens for a reason... I would not be the strong, confident woman I am today if I hadn't had hardships when I was young. I understand what bullied kids go through... but this idea that they are victims that can't help themselves is BS. If they can't help themselves when it's kids picking on them, how do they ever plan to survive the real world.

I hated being the brunt of all the jokes and the verbal abuse. But I wouldn't change it. I learned to have confidence, and I won, when I learned to stick up for myself. Society encourages us to run away from the problems... to let someone else solve them... and then we wonder what's happening in this world...

(I told you guys not to get me started :P)

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I think the biggest shock for people from school when they've not seen me for a long time and see me now is how much I have changed, as I was always very quiet in school. I was local in school, just to only select people who I felt were worth taking the time to talk to properly, but I was also pretty shy back then.

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Ed: I'm not saying bullying doesn't hurt. What I'm saying is that we all made it through, and we're better for it. Do we want to go back to that time and relive it? HELL no. But would we change it? I think most people would say no. What did you learn about yourself when it was finally over? What did you learn about people? Being bullied makes us who we are.

Think about it this way: if you hadn't been bullied would you be who you are and where you are today? Because I know I wouldn't.

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Fell, as awesome as it is that you got there, keep in mind that you aren't most people. It took me six years of bullying to get there. Try being an ADD introvert that society looks down on with contempt, with no reason to have self confidence and absolutely no aggressiveness... And welcome to someone who doesn't know how to stand up for themselves and has been ignored the few times they did.

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I have people I graduated with come up to me when I'm out and say that they're sorry for treating me the way they did. And to be honest, I don't remember how they treated me... because mean people suck... and I don't have space for them in my life :) But obviously it's been on their minds for the better part of 10 years.... *shrugs*

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Ed: I'm not saying bullying doesn't hurt. What I'm saying is that we all made it through, and we're better for it. Do we want to go back to that time and relive it? HELL no. But would we change it? I think most people would say no. What did you learn about yourself when it was finally over? What did you learn about people? Being bullied makes us who we are.

Think about it this way: if you hadn't been bullied would you be who you are and where you are today? Because I know I wouldn't.

Nope, I wouldn't be. What I am saying is that telling a kid in that situation to 'toughen up' and 'stand up for yourself' is a sad lack of sympathy and empathy for them. I absolutely hit of a point of '$$$$$$$$ off' with all the bullies from school, but I would have done a lot better and been less depressed if I had had even one person who did want to help. That's what I'm saying: I am a product of my past, and I have no regrets about that. But it also means that I'm always keen to keep an eye out for people who are different and try to be friends with them, because that's what my experience has taught me is what's necessary.

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Hmm... Still can't get that Austringer I'm after. Why can't they stock Malifaux properly in the UK?! UI may have to contact Dave and Gareth (gaming buddies of mine) at Frontline Games and see if they have it in stock.

In the meantime, off to look at more minis to drool over and maybe find more limited editions I want.

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Hmm... Still can't get that Austringer I'm after. Why can't they stock Malifaux properly in the UK?! UI may have to contact Dave and Gareth (gaming buddies of mine) at Frontline Games and see if they have it in stock.

In the meantime, off to look at more minis to drool over and maybe find more limited editions I want.

Or you say "Hey someone in the US.... if I send you money will you send me an Austringer... pleeeeaaaase?" And don't forget the puppy dog eyes...

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