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Does anyone own a Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought and have any spare claws?

Nope,sorry. Not bothered with BA yet, though I will be using the codex for my Death Blades chapter when I update that army at some point.

I'm not to bad though mate. Just had my loft insulation fitted today. Seems being a crippo is useful for some things, like getting that done for free :D

Cold also have had free windows and doors, if only we'd known about that 2 years ago before we bought new ones, grr.

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Nope,sorry. Not bothered with BA yet, though I will be using the codex for my Death Blades chapter when I update that army at some point.

I'm not to bad though mate. Just had my loft insulation fitted today. Seems being a crippo is useful for some things, like getting that done for free :D

Cold also have had free windows and doors, if only we'd known about that 2 years ago before we bought new ones, grr.

I just need the "blood talons" from the BA Dreadnought as I want them on my FW wolves one to create my own Bjorn..

Thats a good scheme they have going.. what with all the problems in this cursed island the least they can do it make sure people are warm!

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~Rock bounces off and rebounds back, hitting Fell in the knee~

Never underestimate how rocks bounce off my boney body :P

Reg, have your tried Ebay, Bitz & Kits, Bitzbox, Model Bitz, Let The Dice Decide, etc?

From America:


I think your best option though is to try trading forums.

Edited by LonelyPath
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~Rock bounces off and rebounds back, hitting Fell in the knee~

Never underestimate how rocks bounce off my boney body :P

Reg, have your tried Ebay, Bitz & Kits, Bitzbox, Model Bitz, Let The Dice Decide, etc?

Had a look at a couple of sites... looked at others you mentioned.. All out of stock :(

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Maybe, but those rocks don't hurt me :P

~Wonders where the fly that keeps landing on my shoulder is, gives up wondering and starts drinking Hobgoblin instead~

Reg, I had a look too and saw the same :( Right now I think trading forums are your best bet. Bits & kits tend to restock on Saturday mornings, so if possible, head on to there about 10 - 11am on those days to check. You might get lucky. It's how I got my 3rd Ravenwing Battleforce awhile back for about £30 :D now if only I could catch the Rhino kits in stock, I need at least 4 more for my Dark Angels 3rd company, 2 for my Grey Knights, 3 for Chaos, etc.

Edited by LonelyPath
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Reg, I had a look too and saw the same :( Right now I think trading forums are your best bet. Bits & kits tend to restock on Saturday mornings, so if possible, head on to there about 10 - 11am on those days to check. You might get lucky. It's how I got my 3rd Ravenwing Battleforce awhile back for about £30 :D now if only I could catch the Rhino kits in stock, I need at least 4 more for my Dark Angels 3rd company, 2 for my Grey Knights, 3 for Chaos, etc.

Thanks for the tipoff Path... will keep an eye on that :)

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I think there is a direct correlation between her lack of caffeine intake and the amount of punishment she appears to dole out :P

Then again, she doesn't like GW... I know, let's talk about something 5 times more annoying... THUNDERCATS! LOL!

And you're very welcome mate. I know B&K update then as they send restock emails on on Saturday mornings and seen new stock appear on the site around that time.

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Oops, I just remembered I am supposed to be designing traitor Guard banners for someone, ummm...

~Scribbles stuff for a couple of minutes scans and emails them~

Job done. I may not be able to work anymore, but I can still draw well and fast so long as it takes no more than a couple of minutes (after which my hand spasms for hours).

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Oops, I just remembered I am supposed to be designing traitor Guard banners for someone, ummm...

~Scribbles stuff for a couple of minutes scans and emails them~

Job done. I may not be able to work anymore, but I can still draw well and fast so long as it takes no more than a couple of minutes (after which my hand spasms for hours).

:( I'm guessing thats where the phrase "Suffering for your art" comes from?!

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