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Hi Ed!

Ah but I would still be in your sig! :D Heart Breaker! :(

And you must be doing something right with Tourney... you are doubling the numbers each time! :)

Heart Breaker?! Who knew Gremlin's had hearts to break ;)

I wanted more for this one, but was grateful for what I got... I would have had 5 or 6 if work hadn't interfered... stupid jobs and needing to get paid...

The one in January... I should have ALL my regulars (5)... plus two semi-regulars (I am the nearest Henchman to them, and they have to drive two hours to reach me). There will be at least one from the other Henchman's area.. though there were two last year... And there is a gentleman from Cape Cod who has shown some interest and will be here barring terrible weather... so that... like... 10.... after 12 I'm gonna have to start asking folks to bring some terrain O_O or get my LGSO to buy more... *looks around shifty eyed*

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Fell, are you having people book places in advance for your tournies?

Reg, stop flirting with the Guildsters, Gremlins and Humans don't mix! :P

~The doors to the thread open and my Gothic Showgirls all come in wearing Hallowe'en costumes~

The last one I did... with no prize support... this one I didn't... with prize support...

The one in January is during a Con, so they will have to sign up ahead of time. I've asked everyone to email me their name and faction ahead of time... I'll be posting it on the forums with the SnowCon Tourney Info. The info will go up tomorrow during the day, and the faction list will go up once I stop getting quite so many emails. :)

And Path is right, Reg... Guild only mixes with NB... that's how you got Tuco :D

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Well, if it's being held at a store I would expect the venue to supply at least some of the terrain.

It's at a local hotel (at a Convention center). The store is providing all the terrain.. which should be enough for six tables... after six tables (or 12 players) I'm gonna have to start borrowing from other places... 6_9

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:P Depends on the store and their primary income. A lot of stores based around Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh or similar card games leave the miniature gamers out in the wind on it.

Shawn has a lot of awesome terrain. And he's willing to let us use it for the weekend. So that's cool. I just might not have enough come tourney time if I have a lot of players *shrugs*

although... if the tables are 2 or 2.5 feet by 6 feet, it will be less of an issue...

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And Path is right, Reg... Guild only mixes with NB... that's how you got Tuco :D

:( But... but.... :(

*Disappears behind a curtain*

*Banging, Crashing, Sawing, Drilling*

*Appears with a coffin on his back*

There... I'm a Death Marshall-Gremlin now! :)

*a piglet falls of the coffin*

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Well, I got me my Gremlins in my "to work on pile".. when I find the time to work on them I think I'll make it! :D

*Takes a picture of his new outfit so Fell can put it in a heart-shaped frame!* :D

*rolls eyes*

*looks at picture*


thanks, Reg, but I think the Gremlinette would like this better than me

*holds up heart shaped picture of the Bear*

my locket's already full 0_0

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*rolls eyes*

*looks at picture*


thanks, Reg, but I think the Gremlinette would like this better than me

*holds up heart shaped picture of the Bear*

my locket's already full 0_0

*Snatches picture back and runs off sobbing into the swamp*

You haven't heard the last of me!!!

*Throws coffin into water, jumps in and paddles away*



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