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Afternoon all, slept crap, in agony... great start to the day...

I mood woulda been better last night if I'd not rolled 1s for EVERY roll for 4 turns in 40k last night... I'm just glad my opponents rolls weren't much better. But in 1 turn I lost 20 PAGK and a Dreadknight from fail;ed armour saves... This run of 1s is really vexing me to say the least (I typed something far less polite before editing and it was not for anyone under the age of 500 to read!).

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I saw your FB status. Doesn't sound good. Is it just a case of not enough time to fit sleep in or struggling to actually sleep?

I go to work and I'm bored... so I'm sleepy all day. And I get home, and I'm wound up... I get into bed, and I can't sleep... 'cause I'm not bored any more... and then the alarm goes off at 5am... When I'm actually asleep... and not ready to get up... *shakes head* I thought about taking some meletonin (sp) but I don't really think it'll help... I don't have trouble staying asleep... I have trouble settling down... 'cause I have all this energy when I get home XP

I wish you'd rephrase that. You make it sound like there's ointment involved. Cruel woman :vb_tongue

I said it that way so it would sound like that *takes a bow* occasionally I'm witty :D

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oh... and Path... That's why I play minis games with cards... not dice :angel:

I've played some historicals with cards, but they aren't always that great :P I did work out a card system for 40k many years ago (around the time of 2nd edition), it was fun but cards don't really translate to 40k since 3rd edition :(

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Morning everyone! To anyone who read last night's update to my story, I've made some changes...so it's a bit different than it was. Curious what everyone thinks!

Wow, that came out of nowhere. And she seemed such a normal person with nothing too untoward in her past. At least it was only attempted so avoids the usual "she was raped" == character depth a lot of stories do. For once I'd like the roles reversed and find that your Batman style badass is getting revenge on people for being raped in his youth while the super heroine beats people up because she wants to avenge murdered family (or just likes hitting people).

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Yeah, I know it did come out of nowhere. :/ Honestly, that's my only regret with the change...well, second one because I know this isn't exactly an original thing to do with a character. Sorry about that, Steam. It's one of those things that I'm still debating back and forth...but when I was thinking about it, Soli's reactions to Zygmunt, while appropriate to the situation, didn't feel that they fit with her very well. And, honestly, this gives some more interesting options with Soli's growth than there were before. Plus, in my mind at least, it does explain some of her past decisions some more in the background...why she'd have an interest in martial pursuits rather than magical, adds some tension to the relationship with her parents, and so on. Hope that the change didn't degrade Soli in your eyes.

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Wow, that came out of nowhere. And she seemed such a normal person with nothing too untoward in her past. At least it was only attempted so avoids the usual "she was raped" == character depth a lot of stories do. For once I'd like the roles reversed and find that your Batman style badass is getting revenge on people for being raped in his youth while the super heroine beats people up because she wants to avenge murdered family (or just likes hitting people).

She's called huntress, she like batman but her family was a crime gang that were killed by crurupt cops, she very much like batman, but she kills

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