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*mumbles* if you were made of clockwork I'm sure we wouldn't have this discussion *patches up sofa - literally and cast sidelong glaces to unruly ferret boy* might trade you in for a couple of Brass Arachnids. At least THEY behave themselved...just you wait till @Regnak comes home and pray I can fix this...

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Not at all, most of the paints have watered down at lot to get them to blend

The problem is that the paint wet lumpy as it was drying so it looks awful and there's no way to conceal it, hence having to strip the skin areas :(

My own fault for using a old paint, but it looked fine as it went on, just went nasty afterward.

Edited by LonelyPath
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*mumbles* if you were made of clockwork I'm sure we wouldn't have this discussion *patches up sofa - literally and cast sidelong glaces to unruly ferret boy* might trade you in for a couple of Brass Arachnids. At least THEY behave themselved...just you wait till @Regnak comes home and pray I can fix this...

It's not all bad.... its winter soon and I could do with some new slippers! :D

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Why would it be magical? It's a fireball...

In the meantime, I think I've figured out how to make a wirewolf. Going to give it a shot tonight. Take a chaos marine, cut the elbows, knees, and possibly shoulders and thighs, to separate them. Pin them together using something thin (maybe a paper clip) and then arrange wire over the pins to make it look like the wire is holding it together. Scrape off the part for the backpack, don't add pads...should (in theory) work well

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*walks in looking grouchy, turns around, firing several shots out the door at someone*

F---ing LGS owner... It's really hard to build a community when we're treated like red headed stepchildren... Almost had a hissy at him....

*shakes head, fires another shot at a creature in the doorway*

I could just SCREAM

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the worst part for me is that he keeps telling me that he WANTS me to build up the community... I wish there were somewhere else for us to play and hang out.... I wouldn't take the business away... but I want to make a place where we aren't shouting at each other over 15-30 magic players... and we aren't worrying about not being able to get even just a little space.... and I want to stop being treated like what I have to say isn't important....

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