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~Comes in with clawed hands and squinting my eyes.~

Maybe painting until 2am is not such a good idea. How it was nice to do a solid 11 hours of painting, heheh. Got a Pumpkin Golem and CMON Vampire Countess painted. Not happy that the paint went nasty no the countess's face though, until then the painting was some of the best I've ever done :(

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Undead Nightmare is great fun. I have it myself and once I altered the targeting system to expert I enjoyed the game ever more, it seems easier to target on expert than it does on normal, lol!

I also enjoyed shooting Bigfoot, heheheh. I have about a 76% completion on it (finished the game, now it's unfinished business) and riding about on Death's Horse, instant kills on anything I run over! WOOT!!!

Edited by LonelyPath
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I'm good. Currently looking for some stuff to start converting a Blood Pact squad with...some members of my gaming group want to do Killzone using the 3.5-4.0 edition 40k codexes, to get all this army ideas out of our system. I'm taking advantage of it to do my Blood Pact patrol. Found a good set of heads, but having difficulty finding any bodies to use that either a) aren't Cadians (I hate the static poses) or B) wearing greatcoats.

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Blood Pact Berxerkers? Awesome! I Hope you make up a Urlock Gaur to go with them too!! I'll be converting a model of him at some point for my CSM army.

Should be easy, power armour, lots of spikes, paint him red, lol!

Nothing much happening here though, but I did just watch Green Lantern, was not impressed, could've been a much better movie.

Oh, anyone got any tips on removing paint from just pact of a miniature? I need to clear off the upper chest, shoulders, neck and face of a model without effecting the hair and high collar the models wearing.

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Actually, I'm doing Blood Pact guardsmen, led by a triple of Raptors. Using the old Lost and the Damned list, with 3 Raptors, a Sentinel (might drop it) and 7 Traitors with a Heavy Bolter. One thing I'm considering is doing a Big Mutant using a Traitor (whatever I use for them...may have to use Cadians after all unfortunately) holding the leash of a Chaos Hound.

Ooo...could also do some stuff for Wirewolves...that could be fun. Although, I suppose I should do Sons of Sek for that.

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I intend to! It'll be a bit, I don't have a lot of money at the moment, and I own nothing for the project. I'm still debating if I want to do specifically Blood Pact, or create my own Traitor unit. I still have some converted Guardsmen that I was going to use for Arbites, I suppose I can start with them somehow? Eh. We'll see. I've got a regular squad of Chaos marines that I've got lying around, might work on trying some color schemes for them.

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