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it's very quiet in here...

good to hear you're still going strong... the first 4000 words are usually the easiest... it's when you have the most enthusiasm for the project.... at about 20000 you start to get tired... and by 40000 you're struggling (my brain always turns to soup and my plot line becomes train of thought).... and then... you hit 50000 and you can't stop writing!

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Well, so far, this last 1300-1400 words has been annoying...changing the scene, and the pace of it. I'm a good writer of characters in combat, and making the characters seem real(ish). Or at least that's what other people say. But I have difficulties with introducing particular types of characters, and with doing 'normal' stuff. So this was kinda obnoxious...but necessary. And, more importantly, I forced myself to get it done, and I like how it's turning out.

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*wanders in yawning and sipping his coffee* Not been in here in a few days, what up peeps? I see everyone is now trying to be as flashy as the next person *snickers*

So in Sad news.... Steve Jobs died last night :(


The man really was a genius and even if I didn't much care for his company but I can appreciate his vission and what he brought to the technological world. And so passes one of the most influential and brilliant people of the 20th century *takes off hat*

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aaaannnd AWESOME :D

Yeah, yours was much more dramatic than mine...glad you're enjoying it still. To give a couple very brief answers to your questions...I'm hiding a lot of those details from the readers. I'm a big fan of the way David Weber and a few other authors have written their antagonists. Rarely are things so cut and dry as to have 'evil' characters. So, for the time being, that's what I'll be going with.

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When I was in College, I majored in English (creative writing)... and one of the things we learned was to ask questions about things that we were unclear on... not so that the author can answer them, but so that the author can think abou them, and know what their audiance is thinking when they read.

Of course, you can PM me if you want to chat about anything :)

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I may take you up on that, thanks for the offer! I've really missed discussing writing with people...not too many writers in my area right now. Which is probably part of the reason I've haunted this thread so much...it's great getting to see what people are writing, what they're reading, and so on. One of the few things I miss from highschool, actually.

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